Thursday, September 5, 2024

Big day


Yesterday was a big day here at our casa.  almost a month after breaking my shoulder, I was finally able to have surgery.  Knowing full well that I am a terrible patient, I was thrilled that almost immediately upon waking me up, they asked if I wanted to go home.  Yes!! -Jim help me get my pants!  Jim isn't quite as hurried as me, and suggested maybe I take a drink, have a snack and a pain pill.  So far, the pain is being controlled by a nerve block which they put in before the surgery.  I wish they hadn't.  I am sort of freaking about not having control over my elbow.  Pain is preferable to me than loss of limb.  I may eat those words later- but one thing I will not do is ever take another Percocet.  never....that crap is awful.  I will stick with plain advil thankyouverymuch!  
The other thing I found incredibly annoying is compression hose.  I was to wear them 24 hours. I made it 12... they are awful.  When the girls got up to do chores, I conned Harper into helping me remove them.  Best feeling ever!  Free my feet! I don't intend to lay flat for days, I think I will be fine.
The doctor told Jim to expect a long recovery.  They had to cut through my rotator cuff, and screw back together about 1/3 of my shoulder socket. I will try to follow directions, but I have zero intention on missing out on life for very long.  for today, and the weekend, ice and recliner with my widdle dog.  Then we will see.

Thank you to grandma for taking care of the other big event of yesterday!  

Harper got her braces off!  She has Invisalign retainers she has to wear for a few days, and then at night for the rest of her life (the biproduct of too much space).  I think it turned out great! She seems happy- which makes me happy!  And the best part?  I made the last payment - so now I can give that money to my shoulder surgeon!!  I was hoping for an Alaskan cruise, but life!  

Other random photos- Camerons job celebrated red Wednesday yesterday.  I am not sure he is a giant Chief's fan....but he is living in KC- so blend in with the natives!
Saige got school photos taken.  This one cracked me up.  She looks flat uncomfortable!  I just want to save it so I can show her future children!

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