Friday, September 20, 2024

How to survive a volcano

This week has been one that made me feel like I was drowning in a pool of ridiculousness.  It just keeps giving   Part of it is just the time of year that it is.  I work for a couple of government entities. It is budget time. Hearings and revenue neutral rates and insane, ever-changing regulations.  Seriously- the small entities are NOT the problem when it comes to abusive spending, reckless use of funds, and lavish, gross payoffs.  But that didn’t stop them from putting insane laws in place to try to control what we can do.  Honesty, these laws won’t do much to stop folks from cheating the system, you just have to jump through more hoops to do it.  But I digress. The budget junk makes my brain hurt. But we also added in a FEMA claim, and a rehab project. I sort of also think I am just generally annoyed at the fact that my shoulder isn’t healed yet.  Is that crazy?  Yes.  I realize it is.  But I just don’t do laid up well.  Yes I would like some cheese with my whine.   
Amongst the insanity and healing, a couple of people have come bearing gifts.  My friend Adreinne got me the cutest little witch in a bath tub.  I adore her!  I absolutely love the frog in her water!  So cute!  My mom brought me a witch pinwheel. It is sparkly and amazing.  I love them both!   Also, I found in my purse, a gift card that my sister gave us for Christmas, so Jim and I had a nice lunch at the bar - for free!  Thanks Amy!  

So things aren’t bad, just crazy busy and impatient.  
But I am getting there.  Yesterday, for the first time since surgery I wore my bra correctly.  I was also sorry later, but you have to start somewhere right? 
I am also very thankful that the local nursing home has put in a rehab center and I have been able to get my therapy set up locally.  It doesn’t start for another month because this whole process is SLOW- but- local is amazing.    They are a tremendous asset to our community.  Not just because they have an amazing facility (actually award winning for the care of their residents), but also because of their commitment to the community as a whole.  I could go on and on, but it is enough to just say I am thankful for them.  

Also, because I am on bus para duty, and not driving, I get to spend my mornings at home with the family.  I like driving Harper and Saige to school, and we like looking at the sunrise as we go.  
This week, Saige informed me that they learned how to survive a volcano in one of her classes.  I rolled my eyes a little because I would rather they teach the kids how their government works, or some history.  I don't think we necessarily need volcano advice!  But then I got to thinking maybe the information might come in handy someday.  Just because she lives where there aren't volcanos now, doesn't mean she won't need it someday....and anything you learn could potentially come in handy right?  Learning stuff isn't bad.  Public school isn't all bad.  I do strongly believe that public school needs to be supplemented by parents with other things that they can't possibly teach in the limited amount of time they have, and the ever-changing requirements that the state forces on them.  So we try hard to teach the kids about history, and about science, and take them places so they experience the world a little bit.  And life is a little bit like a volcano - erupting around us when we least expect it.  Or at least that is how this week has been.   

As for me, I want to learn to survive the volcano, because after the smoke clears, and the craziness calms, life is pretty dang good.  We have a lot to be thankful for.  


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