Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hoco week


I am super happy with the rose bush project - they are growing despite having been planted at the wrong time.  I am continuing to water and feed them.  They look awesome and are even blooming!  They seem happy and I love how they look!  Time will tell if they had enough time to get established before winter, but at this point, I feel like they will be ok!  I certainly hope so because they are just so pretty!

I also planted some mums....you know, to soften up my sign.  I know we live in the wrong place to start throwing out political signs, but this election seems to hold a little more importance than most in my lifetime have.  I know exactly when I started following politics.  I was in the 3rd grade, and voted for Ronald Reagan in a mock election.  I proudly told my parents.  My dad gave me a 2 hour lecture about civic responsibility, and from there I have just been fascinated by the process.  I have voted in every election since I was old enough.  I have enjoyed arguing politics with people, we have had some great debates over the years.  I have been able to see both sides of most things, and I can even understand why you would want conservatives in office.  But I cannot understand why anyone who has been paying even an iota of attention would vote republican currently.  Am I going to lose friends for this?  I doubt it.  I am a grown up.  I can disagree with you and still love you.

Anyway, driveway garden is one of the things that currently makes me happy.  Yes, I did dig and plant these mums by myself.  Yes, it was probably overdoing it, and yes I was careful.  I am sick of being down, and decided it is time to start doing some stuff.  I was told not to take my arm away from my body.  Guess what?  you can use a shovel and still keep your arm tucked.  

I had a little bit of a harder time with my gate ghost, but I got it done too.  I can't wait for Evelyn to see it this weekend!  

This week is also homecoming week on the Trail.  The kids are having fun with theme days - today is Pajama Day.  Personally, I hate homecoming week.  At least the part where they try to include the little kids.  The little ones have zero idea what homecoming is, and what they are celebrating.  It literally just gets them all stirred up.  My bus kids were over the top insane.  I had bad kids everywhere the last 2 days!  Of course, I also have Harper, who thinks it is dumb, and is dreading the parade, the game and all the royalty activities.  I am also on a countdown to ridding myself of this sling, so maybe this week is going slow with that added in there as well!  Or maybe I am old and grouchy.  Who knows - the girls look pretty cute in their PJ's right?  

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