Wednesday, September 18, 2024

mid-week thoughts

Not much excitement going on means I have to use other people’s photos.  Madison is good at sending us lots of Wrenley Kay updates.   Of course, when you are a rip snorting, face making, ornery, on the go, get into everything baby, it is funny to capture those moments.   Forever thankful that they left Arizona.  

Evelyn tells me she likes kindergarten.  The best parts are eating school lunch, recess, and PE!  

My best girl is aging and slowing down.  She’s still the best girl.  I am always going to be thankful to her for showing my kids what owning a good dog feels like.  

Work has been interesting lately.   I have zero idea how long it is going to take to unravel some of the current messes.   At least there’s job security I guess.  

One thing I am thankful for it that my boss allowed me to get part of my paycheck by riding the bus as the bus para.   One thing I never really want to do again is be a bus para.  I have learned I don’t really want to know what they are doing back there, and I certainly don’t want to hear what they are saying.   I haul 5-6 grade children - that age is beyond awkward.  Some know too much.  Some know nothing.   Please, I beg of you - talk to your children so they aren’t learning the things you should have taught them by now on a bus.  Let’s just say that facts are skewed, and things do NOT work like that.  

I think Lauren loves her job.  I also think she works her a$$ off at her job.  I’m so proud of her!   I see you girl- I know you’re working hard! 
Cameron working at a bank makes for some fun stories.  I get a kick out of his weekly series “guess what some dumb dude said this time?!?”   


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