Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Proud of my “littles”


Last night, we had a 4-H meeting.  I hadn’t managed to go to work, nor find the ability to get dressed, and Jim told me not to worry about it. He was willing to cover for me.  I’m thankful. But felt a bit guilty.  It was the dreaded election night for the new 4-H year.  It always takes a long time, is always chaotic, and usually ends up with everyone feeling a little unprepared.  I did absolutely everything I could think of to be prepared for it.  I tried to think of everything.  Jim, Harper and Saige assured me they could handle it.  And handle it they did.  Harper is now the club vice president.  She shook her head and said she had to - nobody else would step the heck up and she wanted to go home.  Saige was re-elected as the club secretary, and they somehow decided to make it a joint job with her being the club secretary and reporter.  and she was elected as the club council representative as well.  I guess when they want to go home, they really want to go home!   Jim sent me a “congratulations you were re-elected as the community leader” text.  Dang it Jim- you had ONE Job!  (Just kidding- I am happy to do it - until Saige graduates and then I will be gone!)
Yes I know these are old photos. They didn’t find photos commemorating their new offices as necessary  It is necessary....they just don't realize it yet.  Anyway, I am proud of them for stepping out and stepping up, and for covering the meeting for me.  

Mallory came by to bring me stuff she got for me at Walmart.  She probably learned her lesson, as she also got conned into picking vegetables out of my garden and helping me with the pool  Thanks Mallory!

Little sweet pea is figuring out that people hand out candy - just like her big sissy!  Gotta love a nice sucker from the bank right? 

My million face grandkid - she keeps me entertained.

This boy - he has always been amazing.  Sometimes I take it for granted, sometimes I don't even think of how much he is willing to do for me....and for our family.  He has been so amazing since I have been hurt.  Covering for me, helping me with my insane plant problem, running errands, making sure I have ice, and drinks and all the other things.  He is also pretty smart at knowing when to step in and when to let it go....which I appreciate.  I came back to work today.  A good man will help you get drinks, a great man will help you get dressed.  He is a great man.  I managed to figure out how to be appropriately dressed, drove myself to town, and didn't choke out any kids in bus para world, and managed my way through my 400th FEMA meeting of the year all unscathed.  When I say unscathed I mean unharmed or not hurt.  I did not mean mentally.  FEMA is a branch of the government that if I could never deal with again, I would seriously never deal with them again.  They are forcing us to have a weekly meeting.  The governor has declared the emergency, we know funding is open for storms that happened in January - we have filled out 10,000 pieces of paper.  We have fearlessly navigated their web portal.  We have endured in person, and phone meetings.  We have been warned of deadlines.  Our portion is done.  As in, there is nothing more for us to do.  So why do we have a weekly meeting?  Because FEMA says we have to meet weekly until we are either denied or granted funding.  Today I learned that the money for this disaster has not been appropriated.  This could go on for years.  YEARS!  My understanding of government is that all funding bills must come from the House - the same house who has passed something like 3? bills in the last 4 years.  The same house that spent weeks trying to decide on a speaker, then ousted that speaker and hired a complete bumbling replacement?  That house?  No confidence I will see any return on my investment here.  Seriously, getting reimbursed would mean we could do some projects that we had to put on hold because of the emergency 9 months ago, but not getting the money....well it won't mean that those things will never happen, just that they will happen slower.  I don' t know if it is actually worth it or not.  Anyway, I was going stir crazy sitting in the house.  Now at least I have reasons for my insanity right?  

And I hate to end on that note, so first, I got off topic - thank you Jimmie for being my amazing, steadfast, rock and biggest supporter.  I love you forever.
And because I do love to throw random stuff in to this blog, for your entertainment purposes, you might recall that I was very excited to purchase a "brown egg layer" special from the hatchery this year.  Basically, they send you however many chickens you want that are left over after they fill their orders.  I have started getting eggs from my pretty girls, and I am amused that my brown eggs are almost all blue.  Do I care what color my eggs are?  NOPE!  Do I think it is funny that my brown egg layer special got me a bowl of blue eggs?  YES!  Do I need to be going to work/getting out of the house more?  YES!  (Will I be ordering more brown egg layer specials in the future?  YESSSS!) 
Happy random Tuesday!

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