Saturday, September 7, 2024

A non-exhaustive list

In my lifetime I have done several things I would never do again (at least if given a choice). I was thinking, since I have the time, I might make a list.  You know, for future reference.  
1- own a parrot.  
2- agree to bring home an in-tact male donkey (he literally tried to kill me). 
3- hominy - I have not eaten it since I was a kid, and I can honesty say I hate it and will never eat it again.  I have very few true hates- I want it on the list 
4- break a bone in a joint (or have anyone cut into a joint). 

This is why it is a non-exhaustive list. I am having a little bit of trouble concentrating.   Mostly because I can’t get into a comfortable position and I cannot sleep more than a couple hours at a time. One of my favorite things in the world is sleeping in on Saturday.  Snuggled in my bed.   It was 5 am when I work up, sweating because we have kittens who keep unplugging the fan, and wide awake because my pain level is just beyond where I could potentially sleep through it.    I absolutely hate pain medications.  The prescription ones anyway.   They gave me Percocet.  It makes me feel like I’m having a panic attack - ooh another thing for my list - won’t be taking that ever again!    I’m not supposed to lay flat.  I have no idea why but I don’t think I want to test it.   We have these 3 kittens in the house.  Let me just say their nursing skills leave a LOT to be desired!  And yes I said 3- not a Ty-po.  We let Harper get Winnie, then Tooth Fairy rode to the dentist and became an indoor cat.  And then I brought home a barn cat Pickles - she is very sweet, and followed Jim all around.  One evening, as he came inside, so did she. And he let her stay!   She is a tail-less Manx cat.  She is also a giant sweet, needy, wants to sit with you, hot mess.  She thinks I am sleeping in the recliner just so she can sit with me.  For those keeping track that is a total of 4 house cats.  I love Marge the best- she hates me and won’t come near me.  I never hurt her but someone did. I hate that after more than a year she is still scared, but I do love that she is leaving me alone!
Now I am not complaining at all, just making some notes in case we ever have to do this again.  Less cats, different pain meds, you know, the stuff I didn’t think about when I was doing an inordinate amount of planning.  

I am a little sad realizing that I haven’t gotten to spend much time with my girls lately!  And that this weekend is Huff-n-puff and I can not even fathom putting on a bra right now, so I will definitely not make it.  And my goal of going to the state fair this year with Harper and Saige is out as well.  Honesty, they don’t care - but I did want them to experience it!  I am supposed to go back to work on Monday.  Right now, I don’t know if that will be happening.  Maybe.  I feel like at some point I will turn a corner on to healing rather than just pain.   I hope so anyway.  

And because I just don’t like being a whiner, I want to share this picture.  Cameron got a second job working with Lauren.  He is working all the games as an usher - which is fancy for security.   They look like a power couple!  I love that they are getting to work together.  For her, I think she loves her job and this is a way she can potentially have a chance to see Cameron when she’s working her a$$ off all the time.   For him, I feel like it’s about talking to people.  He is full of hilarious stories.  Whatever it is, I am so proud of them.  
Also a shout out to Mallory for bringing us dinner and cookies. And fresh cut flowers. 
And to Jim, who has patiently waited on me, helped me with bandages, brought home more bags of ice than I can count, taken over managing the dogs, and been my constant “shoulder to cry on” thanks mate. 
And Harper and Saige - your help has been amazing.  They have  kept the outside chores done, helped Jim with keeping my junk watered and kept us in clean dishes.  I appreciate you girls.   


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