Thursday, September 26, 2024

My little fiasco((s)

Hey Hope- how’s it going?  You want a project?   
Of course I do!   
Meet Dwight.  He is a kitten that was abandoned.  I got him from Amy.   I think he’s adorable and sweet.  I thought he could be a barn cat.   Unfortunately, he is much smaller than I originally thought and needs to be syringe fed.  I have done this a number of times, and I believe he will be fine and grow up to be a very sweet boy.  (Or possibly a very sweet girl).   The bad news is that he will always be too tame (and thus too dumb) to be a barn cat.  So when I get done syringe feeding him, I will then be searching for a house cat home for him.  Where will I find a house cat home?  No idea.  It’s just part of the project.  For now, he is my widdle baby.  He’s eating well, extremely loud and a tiny bit bipolar (hissing and spitting when I come near, but then purring when I feed him).  

The girls helped me hang up my grim reaper.  I haven’t put the batteries in yet but I am excited to see how spooky he is in the dark! 

Today Saige is sick, and we will be going to the pediatrician in one city.  Of course this falls on the same day that Harper has an eye Dr appointment in a different city.  Harper’s eye doctor -the one  that is a hard to get into, a pediatric eye doctor and you make the appointment a year out because she is so busy.  Thank God Jim and I have mastered the old divide and conquer.  Saige is having symptoms of pneumonia.  Maybe I’m panicking prematurely, but honesty she’s been sick long enough at this point I think we are just to a place a doctor should look at her.  

I love how rotten this nugget is.  When we are in line with the buses, waiting for kids I have to go say hi.  When she sees me she immediately starts throwing her stuff out so I can pick it up for her.  Then she holds up her feet so I can tickle her toes.   Then shakes her finger at me and tells me “no no.”  It is s whole thing we got going. It makes my day.  

I am thankful for the rain that we have been getting.  Things were pretty dry!  It has been nice to take a break from watering!  And if you see a rainbow, you must take a photo - it is a rule. 

**Updated to report that after seeing the doctor, Saige does not have pneumonia (thankfully).  They think her chest is sore due to her cough.  Whatever she has, it is a nasty little virus.  I heard a lot of people seem to be sick right now.  Luckily, I just got a new bottle of clorox clean up and will be sanitizing the house after work today!  I am sure everything will be fine!  Here is hoping nobody else gets sick!


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