Monday, September 23, 2024

Weekend fun

Cameron bought himself a car.   This was not a process he took lightly, or a commitment he didn’t think through.  He has been seriously in need of a new or different car for about 3 years.  His car finally bit the dust permanently about a month ago.  He has been driving “Ethel” - Quincy’s spare car that she graciously loaned him.   Since he saved money by driving to Lawrence for this purchase, I told him to come down for dinner and we would run help him since he had 2 cars in town.  Preston and Quincy were both home, so the girls came out and we made some grilled food and had dinner.  We almost got to see all our kids - just missed Colin. We also missed Spencer, Lauren and Sunny.  Hoping we can catch them soon!  

It was fun to have most of the kids home for a little while.  I enjoy listening to them all talking about how things are going, and supporting each other.  If I do nothing else in my life, having my kids love each other seems like success.  

Harper and I worked at her first CWF fundraiser, parking cars.   We lucked out weather wise, and it was cloudy but not raining, there was a breeze even though it was pretty warm.   I have worked this event several times now, and I don’t think yesterday was quite as busy as it has been in the past, although we did have a lot of cars to park.  I have mixed emotions about this fundraiser.  On one hand, I don’t have to sell anything to anyone. It is all just a time investment.  On the other hand, it is a lot of standing, people can be somewhat rude, and by the time it is over, I am always more than ready to be out of there.    I decided I’m having a little count down.  I have worked there 9 times.  I have 3 more times to go.  I want to see all of my kids take this trip (even the reluctant ones who don't really want to).  Ahhh goals.  I think seeing the nation's capitol, learning some stuff about how the government works, and getting to take a trip with a bunch of other kids is a great opportunity! 

Despite having dinner on Saturday night, with the weather cooling off, we decided to have soup night on Sunday.  The girls came out.  Andrew and Madison and Mallory helped Jim get the cover on the pool.  We will still need to pull the skimmer apart, but I feel like this is something Jim and I can handle.  I definitely cannot handle pulling things right now.  I am glad we got the cover on before most of the leaves fall, but the water was pretty green just from lack of me getting in there to clean things and sort of skipping out on adding chemical.  I can get it taken care of in the spring.  It will be ok.  I am always sad to close up the pool though, lack of sun and days hanging out with the kids is a sad thing.  I was amused at Evelyn yesterday.  She came and sat with me, and told me that kindergarten isn't really that fun.  She would rather come to my office and hang out with me.  I would rather that be what we are doing too kid!  I do miss her chattering at me while I work!  My office is just a tad too quiet!  Sort of.  We still have those weekly FEMA meetings to keep me company!  haha!


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