Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekend weirdness


Ok this has been a weird weekend  Not everything has been weird, but enough weird to leave your brain thinking.  
Madison and Andrew’s friends had their wedding Saturday.  Madison was a bridesmaid, Andrew was the best man, Evie and Wrenley were flower girls.  They had the wedding in a hall where it is utilized on Friday nights, so they had to help set up the wedding Saturday morning early, then get their hair done, make up done and be ready for pictures.  Mallory stepped in to help.   She kept the girls so they didn’t have to get drug around all day, got them ready and met up with everyone for the pictures.  Then stayed for the wedding and held Wrenley after she was brought in via wagon.  Mallory and Madison sent me some amazing photos from the wedding, and I love them. 
Mallory did call early Saturday morning.  She wanted to know if she could come out here to shower and we could help watch Wrenley so she didn’t get into anything while Mallory  was occupied.  I ended up making breakfast and hanging out with the girls for a bit.  Jim decided to take a nap after they left, and I decided he is a genius sometimes.  I tried to lay in bed, which up until now I had not done.  It is a tad uncomfortable from a pulling and pressure standpoint.  Back to the recliner I went.  The girls helped me with a few cleaning tasks and then Jim went out to work in the yard, Saige hung out with him.  Harper and I ran to my favorite grocery store, Checkers.  As we were driving to Lawrence we were discussing several psychics predicting aliens invading or coming to earth this weekend and joking around about it.  As we rounded the corner to go toward the store, about 10 police cars were screaming down the street.  They whipped U turns in front of us, blocking the street off. They then all started drawing their guns and running toward this church.  We were torn between sitting there to see what was going on, or getting the heck out of there.  Harper and I wondered if it was ET!  I love Lawrence, I think the lower crime rate, the more liberal attitude, and the cleanliness of the city appeal to me.  Rarely do they have crime, even with the university in the middle of the city.  What crime they do have doesn't seem to be violent crime, and maybe I am wrong, but I generally feel fairly safe there.  The other thing is, that there are no real major news media outlets there, so nothing from there really ever gets reported outside of town.  Kansas City news reports on KC, Topeka reports on Topeka, nobody reports Lawrence.  Finding out what was going on was not really possible.  We did see some questions asked on the police facebook page, but it didn't really answer the questions we had.  We had hoped aliens had descended upon the town, but it seems that wasn't the issue.

After the wedding, Evelyn decided she wanted to stay for the dance.  I understand she had a great time dancing with her daddy!

Wrenley was done with dresses, dancing, weddings, people and being contained.  She spent another night at Aunt Mal's where she was finally fed something!  She was hangry.  Girl likes to be naked and fed.  Is that really asking too much?  

On the way home from getting groceries, Harper and I ran across  this timber rattler.  It was laying on the side of the road.  It did not even attempt to move when we stopped the car to take photos of it (out the window because we aren't stupid, or fast).  I believe it was a juvenile, about 2 feet long.  Much shorter than the big guy who lives at the end of the driveway, although I wondered if it might be his baby.  And no, I did not kill it.  I see no reason to.  It was just out there living its life, who am I to run it over for no reason?  Now, if it was in my garage (which we have had) or right outside my door, which has happened, then yes, I might consider it.  The ones who stay away from the house, I leave to live their lives.  They are protected, so killing them is illegal anyway.  I have seen enough dead ones on the roads around here to know that not all of my neighbors agree with me.  

Madison and Mallory were going to attend the garden glow at Ward Meade park tonight. Harper, Saige and I decided to tag along.  We went a little early, and had dinner at Sonic.  We had nice seats in their play ground area, and the girls played some while we waited for our food.   We then went over to the garden glow....where we found zero people, zero lights, zero park officials, zero everything.  We started looking online and realized the stuff we were looking at was from last year!  So we just walked around the park a little bit, took a few pictures, directed by Evie.....she wanted pictures of everything there!  We were all ok, nobody died of disappointment.   

The kids have tomorrow off from school.  I can't keep up with all the reasons they have days off, but I am glad, as this weekend has been busy, and weird, and I am glad I don't have to get up quite as early!  Harper and Saige have been given their assignments, and they will work on it while Jim and I are at work.  I am also thankful that I feel better than I did last weekend.  My pain level is easily managed now with occasional Advil or Tylenol, or an ice pack.  Occasionally, I forget and try to reach for stuff, which hurts, but it isn't anywhere near the level of pain I had before the surgery when the shoulder would separate and be out of the socket.  
This upcoming week is a little bit crazy, but I feel like we are ready for it!  I just hope the weirdness sort of dies down.  I could do an alien invasion on the weekend, but during the week?  Nah.

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