Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The kids are learning a lot this week, despite being out of school.  We have talked about social distancing, the importance of how to stop the spread of Coronavirus.  We have talked about how important handwashing is.  We have talked about civic responsibility, public safety, and even a little bit about economics, and preparedness.  Not really lessons I ever thought I would need to cover in a few days time, but sometimes you go with what presents itself.  The kids have been pretty isolated for a few days now.  I do think they need to get out of the house, and we are lucky that we have a lot of land that they can run and play on, however it is so dang muddy right now, that has been hard!  Yesterday, we needed a couple of things from the pharmacy, so I did let the girls ride along with me (they sat in the car when I made 2 errand stops).  We also stopped for a little while at Madison's new house, and I let them out of the car!.  Evie was so happy to see us!  I love her so much!  :)  Saige was happy to see their dogs, who she  proclaimed also missed her.  Their unpacking has come a long way since we were there last!  Things are looking really good!  It is a nice house, and is really starting to look like a cute home for them.  Evie was happy to show us her new toy room!  She kept pointing at everything and saying "yea!"  she is so funny.  I am glad that Madison has this time off and can be with her, but I sure do miss my little office buddy!  

We also took some supplies to grandma and gramps.  With Eric needing surgery soon, they really cannot afford to get sick.  I told the girls they could say hi, but they had to stay 6 feet away.  I am not sure who had the harder time with social distancing - grandma or the girls!  At least grandma has some caffeine now, hoping it keeps her from killing gramps!  :)  
The archdiocese cancelled all masses except funerals,  Mallory is telling us that she believes they will turn to remote or online classes for the rest of the school year.  KSU cancelled its classes for the rest of the year, and also cancelled graduation ceremonies. which makes us feel bad for Spencer.  I know all of this is necessary, but it is certainly nothing we have ever seen before.  There is a delicate balance for Jim and I as we try to explain this to the kids.  We have always tried to be honest with our kids.  We have always had a rule that if the kids ask, we will give them the best answer that we can, and nothing is off limits as a subject.  We have been trying to work through explanations for something that we don't really know.  We don't know how long this will go on.  We don't really know how it will turn out, we don't really know if there will be food shortages or a depression.  We do know that we can do our part, and we can have faith that God is good all the time.  It is not an easy time for sure.  But we are also focusing more on family time.  I am trying to get the kids to do some of the stuff the school already offers online.  They already do online math, online spelling, online phonics.  There are a number of places giving virtual tours, online readings, free online subscriptions.  So we are taking advantage of the internet.  Preston has been playing games with his friends online as well.  I am thankful for these things. 

I am also noticing the kids are playing together, and they are getting along, which makes my heart happy.  Preston was teaching Saige to play chess.  Quincy and Harper have been constantly playing with their baby chickens and ducks.  They have broken out some board games I haven't seen in ages.  We have been reading some books we had put aside and meant to read.  I cannot say that this time is all bad.  As a matter of fact, for an old grouchy introvert, it is sort of nice.

We have done some crafts and projects too.  Yesterday, we attempted to make our own hand sanitizer from a recipe I saw on facebook.  It was an absolute disaster.  It smelled terrible because the only essential oil I have is wintergreen.  It burns the skin a little bit, and it is really runny.  I figure this just helps us with our social distancing, because nobody will want to come near us!  :)  

I hope someday my kids will be able to talk about this time with their children with a bit of fondness.  If I do nothing else in my lifetime, I hope we can at least create a home for them that they feel safe, loved, heard, and have a little bit of fun.  Mallory is out right now delivering food to the kids they know don't have enough at home.  She is worried about some of them not only not having enough food, but enough love, enough anything.  I pray for these people.  

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