Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Yesterday was St. Patrick's day.  It was also the day that Governor Laura Kelly shut down all k-12 schools for the rest of this year to help with the spread of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus.  This was not what I expected.  I was expecting a couple of weeks, maybe return the middle of April.  I was shocked, but after seeing how much the virus spread, even just overnight, I actually applaud Governor Kelly for taking this step.  I know it is not what the teachers wanted (I had a certain 2nd grade teacher in my kitchen after the announcement who was extremely sad and disappointed about not finishing the year with her kiddos).  It was not what anyone wanted.  Saige was hit the hardest at our house, as she absolutely loved having Mrs. Grienke.  I know the teachers are scrambling to get something done for the kids to learn remotely.  My kids are lucky, we have internet access, plenty of food, and both Jim and I have been allowed to continue to work during this time (I lost the bus job obviously, but my other jobs are being done behind locked doors).  We know others are not so lucky.  People are struggling, and I think this will set us back for months to come.  It is a sad time in our country.  Madison will be going back to work tomorrow, as the school district is handing out breakfast and lunch to people who bring their kids to the school.  I hope that she will be safe.  Colin and Cameron have been on my mind a lot.  Cameron works in the food industry.  He said they are not shut down at this point, but he expects that it is coming.  Colin said that Evergy is taking a lot of precautions, and he is being extremely careful due to their protocol kind of making him feel like he should be cautious.  I keep reminding myself that God is good all the time, and that we will see an end to this mess.  Interestingly, for lent this year, I had decided to be more positive.  To try hard to find the light in each dark situation.  I feel like this is a test for that.  I truly am trying.  I have never wanted to be a teacher.  I subbed for a time, and it was not my cup of tea.  I do love children though, specifically my own.  I am open to trying new things, and am hoping with the school's resources, we can manage to home school our kids without totally "ruining" them, as Saige was worried about!  My kids have always been my "why" and that won't change!  Even when Preston wants me to watch "Velicopastor" with him.  Trust me, totally not worth the time.  Google it, even the story line is dumb!

We did celebrate St. Patrick's day!  Preston and Saige made green mint chocolate chip cookies!

The girls and I made Indian fry bread tacos.  They are learning to cook during this pandemic.  I have been talking to them about how the stores have run out of convenience foods, but there is plenty of flour, sugar, yeast (although Grace told me that she had a hard time finding yeast - but she thinks people are using it to make homemade beer rather than bread!) butter.  We can make almost anything we want with a few main ingredients.  It is a good lesson.   

I will continue to update on our progress as a newly formed home school.  I know it isn't ideal, but I do feel it is necessary.  I also pray that someone comes up with a cure or a vaccine or something so we can resume normal soon!  :) 

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