Thursday, January 6, 2022

They’re back!

Cameron and Preston texted me yesterday morning around 7 am to say they were leaving Houston to drive back.  I am pretty sure the plan was that they were only planning to stop for gas, and they would be home by 7:30 last night.  I was happy that they got started early, as the weather was supposed to change over to cold and snow, and I wanted them back before it started.  They texted me around noon to say they were making good progress, and then I got this photo of the Oklahoma state line!  Evelyn and I were making some cookies around 2, when Cameron called.  He drives an older (late 90's) Honda.  The ignition has been bad on it since about the time he bought it.  He had fixed this problem by NEVER taking the key out of the ignition.  It worked for him, although I have questioned several times whether it was the best idea.  They stopped for gas in a small town outside of Norman.  Preston pulled the key out.  The key would not go back in the ignition.  They were in the process of taking advice of a "local redneck" on how to hot wire the car, and were walking 2 miles to an ace hardware to get whatever the guy suggested.  Since I needed to leave on the bus, I told them I wouldn't be available to help them for a couple of hours, but that if they got really desperate, they should call Jim and he could possibly come down there if they needed him to. It was a 4 hour drive from here, so I was really hoping they would not need him.  I helped while I was warming up the bus by sending them youtube videos on how to hotwire a car, and how to bypass the ignition.  You really can learn anything on youtube!  Long story short, they did not end up hotwiring the car.  They did find a locksmith out of Norman, who was kind enough to drive over, drill out the old ignition, and replace it with a new ignition and a key that comes out!  This delay took a few hours.  They pulled into my driveway at 11:00 pm!   I was happy to see them, and am also happy that Cameron's car has a removable key now!  I tried to talk Cameron into staying at our house last night, but he just wanted to get back, so he got in to Manhattan around 1:00 this morning.  Everyone is safe and home!  I am very grateful!  I am also very happy that they went on the trip!  They had a lot of fun, and Cameron said even though he wanted to punch Preston in the face after the key fiasco, he was happy that the car is fixed, something he said he had been meaning to do for a while now!   Also, KSU won the game, they saw some great stuff and had a lot of good times!    

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