Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th!

Yesterday was Wrenley’s birthday.  I bought a few things and went  over to see her  Evelyn was very upset with her mother for not buying a piñata for the upcoming birthday party. I found a tiny one at dollar general and stuffed it with a couple of Hershey kisses and smarties.  Evelyn was thrilled.   Wrenley likes candy. Couldn’t have cared less about the piñata.   Evie has a weird fascination with piñatas - if you recall she also made me buy one for Jim on his birthday- telling me in the saddest way possible that poor Poppy never had a piñata before. She has a way of taking care of details.  
Wrenley makes me laugh. She is seriously the most expressive child ever!   And the ornery - I’m here for it.  It’s funny when you aren’t the one getting the calls from the school.  
After we celebrated Wrenley for a bit, Harper Saige and I ran to get some white shirts to tye dye.  We had red and blue dye left over from last year.  As you may recall, last years shirts turned pink and I have no clue what I did wrong. So I read some stuff online.  It said to dye the shirts while they are wet after soaking them in vinegar water.  We did that. They turned out awesome.  Seriously the red white and blue looked amazing.  I decided since it was raining the color would set if I just dried them in the dryer and didn’t wash them.  When I pulled them out of the dryer - bright purple!   My sister is now going to run an intervention and teach me her hippy ways.  Luckily, we like purple here, but both the girls and I were very disappointed. 

We had a nice but quiet 4th.  Since the kids were all here Sunday, and Quincy had to work, it was just Harper, Saige and Mallory around to celebrate with Jim and me.   As is a long standing tradition, we started our day at the City’s annual bike (non motorized vehicle) parade.  Evelyn was all about it, insisted they had to go there before they could go to her grandma Rachel’s party.  Evie and Wrenley were in the parade with their cousin Lawson.  They all looked very festive!  It was a nice cool morning and a nice parade, with tons of people riding!   Small town traditions make me happy.  

We ran over to the city park for the free lunch.  I made Harper and Saige leave their lairs, and they were only reluctant participants.  I am glad we got to spend a little time with Madison and Andrew and the girls before they took out!  

Last weekend we forced the kids to blow up all the fireworks that we had stored in our garage for who knows how long.   Jim was happy to have them out of there!   Saige asked if we could please stop and get just a few things.  Jim agreed as long as she shot off everything we bought and he doesn’t have to store them!   She and Harper worked on it today.  We have a few things left that we will finish out tomorrow.  Jim and I only spent $31 on fireworks. That has to be some sort of a record!   Jim picked out these. Poopy puppy’s.  It made me laugh. 

Saige almost killed Mallory and I as we were watching her.  She dropped something and it flew at our feet.  We gave her a lot of grief.  

Lauren and Cameron sent me this cute picture. They were blowing some stuff up and having food after having run a 5k.  Seemed like they were having a fun time (except for the running part!).  

Tonight we enjoyed a nice hotdog dinner (because ‘Merica) and then ran to town to watch the city’s firework display.  I love the 4th, even when it is low key, easy going and slow paced.  It’s a lot different than when the kids were little, and I sort of miss the craziness- the participation in all the things, the excessive amounts of cooking and firework shooting, and pool parties and trying to find them all when the fireworks show was over.  It was definitely
 not the same, but still happy to celebrate!

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