Sunday, July 7, 2024

sanity saving day


I stuck tightly to my refusal to leave home yesterday.  Preston and Sunny hung out part of the day with us.  They were attending  a concert with Cameron and Lauren last night.  I’m not sure how Lauren’s new job at Arrowhead is going, I haven’t really had much of a chance to talk with her about it.  I guess I better be asking.  It sure seems to have some benefits for my other kids though.  ;)
Preston was excited to see Kenny Cheney.  I will forever be happy to see my kids voluntarily hanging out together.  I know Jim and I won’t always be around, and I am glad they have each other.  Life is better with good family by your side.  
I got a lot done yesterday.  A few organizational things I have been meaning to do.  Some cleaning, some outside work.  And Jim helped me sort the 4-H kids new shirts (a project I had been putting off because I hate that sort of thing).  The mad landowners did call.  I did let it go to voicemail.  I will handle it on Monday during office hours.  Nothing that they have to say was important enough to disrupt my sanity day.  I’m feeling much better about life, sometimes you just have to be a little bit selfish with your time.  

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