Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy birthday Wrenley


Today is Wrenley's birthday.  If you want to see a year flash by in a blink, have a grandkid I guess.  Seems like yesterday.
Wrenley was 5 hours old the first time I held her.  When I took her from Andrew's arms, she gave me the look of death.  It made me laugh.  Wrenley was about 5 days old when I first started calling her the 1000 face kid.  She was 5 months old before I ever heard her cry.  She may not cry, but I never doubted what she was thinking or feeling.  The girl has some facial expressions!  
Wrenley is ornery.  She will act like she wants you to take her, and then when you go to get her, she turns her body and grabs ahold of the person who is holding her while laughing.  We have seen  her delight in pulling Evie's hair, grabbing faces and torturing the cat.  All the while manically smiling.  She absolutely cracks me up, and I love that she is ornery and sweet - it is a good combination!  

Being grandparents has been a good for Jim and I.  We love these girls like crazy.  It is like watching the best parts of our own kids.  I cannot wait to add a few more to the mix!
Anyway, happy birthday to my little Wrenley puter butt.  I love you sweet baby!

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