Friday, July 19, 2024

Quick trip

The girls getting ice cream - gives me the nostalgic summer vibes.  
Mallory and I made a quick trip out to visit Preston and Sunny yesterday.  I will always have a special place in my heart for Manhattan, and I absolutely love the flint hills.  I made Mallory stop at the overlook!  She indulges my need for side trips!  There were these little purple flowers lining the sidewalk out there.  Luckily the iPhone has plant id - whatever did we do without that?  They are wild petunias.  I had no idea!  

The closest thing we have to mountains in Kansas - the flint hills.  Their vastness always makes me feel small.  

Preston and Sunny seem to be doing well.  They have a cute little apartment for the summer, and are starting to gear up for the fall semester.  We were able to see where Preston is planning to live next semester, and I drove  by both my old house (Clovia) and Jim’s old house - the dungeon.  I laughed when I was telling Mallory she is lucky I am brave - because when asking if you want to “come over to the dungeon” most women would say no!  

A couple of times, when out visiting Cameron, I wanted to go to the bug zoo they have on campus.  It was not open. Yesterday, we found them open, and my kids indulged my weird fascination for looking at nerdy displays.  The bug zoo did not disappoint!  Well, at least it did not disappoint me- nobody else seemed disappointed, but they might have just been hoping I would buy dinner!  ;)

The sad part is that while we were in the bug zoo, Call Hall closed for the day and so we didn’t get ice cream or cheese curds!  Next time!  

Our little Preston is all grown up!  When he was a kid, he refused to eat much that wasn't chicken, chicken nuggets, and pepperoni pizza.  God knows I tried.  Yesterday, I offered to get them some stuff at the store.  I was in absolute shock at Preston asking for a bag of potatoes, and some frozen vegetables - he voluntarily bought broccoli!  Sunny smiled, but she wasn't pushing him to do this.  I asked him if he had been abducted by aliens!  Sunny has accomplished something in a few months that I couldn't do in 18 years!  I am happy about it., I had always worried about him not getting enough vitamins and minerals!  Of course, when I asked where he wanted to go for dinner - he requested Canes - you know - the chicken strip place?  He might eat the vegetables, but the chicken eating boy is still in there!  I had a great time visiting with Preston and Sunny, and I appreciate Mallory for keeping me company on the trip!  
Side note- on the way to Manhattan, I stopped off and picked up my Nissan, which the a/c had gone out of .  I was just going to live without it, as it was an expensive fix, but after riding around for a few weeks with the windows down, we made the decision to go ahead and bite the bullet.  Now, I am not one that minds the heat that much, but riding with the windows down beats you to death, makes it hard to hear, and when you get where you are going, you look like a bigger mess than normal.  I was super happy to have the a/c back!  (Thanks for convincing me Jim).  


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