Monday, July 29, 2024

Weekend vibes


I worked at the liquor store on Saturday, and had to tell Cameron that we got in the KSU cans of Bud Light, that he had been searching for.  I think it is funny how much cool stuff our little store gets in!  They have a good selection for a tiny place.  I haven't worked as many hours this summer as I had hoped, because they just have more help than they really need, but I do enjoy working there, and the "extra money" is good.  Is there really any extra money?  And I get to see my family when I work there - like a little family reunion.  :)  

This picture of Wrenley passed out after lake day cracks me up.  The girl goes hard.  And she absolutely loves the water.  They came for Sunday dinner.  Mallory asked if we could help her with some project she was doing to prepare for school starting.  Saige and I "helped" by entertaining the girls in the pool while Madison and Harper made little tiny reading books for 1st graders.  I was laughing about Wrenley - she would put her face in the water, come up choking, laugh like a fool, and put her face right back into the water!  She loves danger!  I am telling you, this one will give her parents a run for their money, and I am so happy to have a front seat for it!  

And there is Norma.  She is a hot mess too.  She spends a lot of her time outside....because she spends a lot of her time pottying on my floor.  She had a couple of good days, and I dared to think we were starting to catch on.  Nope.  Stubborn, or unintelligent, I cannot decide which.  I am not giving up on getting her trained, but for the love, I am starting to think shock collars may be in her very near future!  She has zero attention span, and when she does focus on something, it is 1/2 an hour of barking at a trash bag!  She is getting better about not trying to kill the cats - Winnie is thankful for that!

Tooth Fairy is a bum.  I absolutely love this dumb cat.  I cannot explain to you the sweetness and neediness that he has in him.  I don't know what possessed me to go pick up some abandoned kitties, but I sure am glad I did.  A series of weirdness brought us a lot of joy.  Of course, he is Saige's baby.  She thinks he is the smartest cat who has ever lived.  I am not convinced there is any brain in his head, but he sure does like to sleep on your lap!

Carlos takes all his snacks to the back of the couch, so that Norma can't get them.  She has figured this out, and is getting big enough that she can stand on her back feet and reach him.  He growls and barks at her, but she is not too bright and just wants his snacks.  He hates her so much!  

Harper, Saige and Evelyn had a sleepover with GG and Papa Larry last night.  They had all sorts of plans - hopefully GG survived!  Next week is our fair.  I hope we can spend some time this week getting ready for that, because at this point we have put in zero effort.  Procrastination at its finest!  I can't believe it is almost August.  July does this to me every time - fastest month of the year!

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