Thursday, July 11, 2024

Quincy’s 18th

Evie and GG at the hospital in Mesa where she pulled off the biggest surprise ever!  Today, getting up at O'dark thirty, the excitement of a flight, and the general excitement of a vacation caught up with her!  I was told a cold drink and a sponge bob popsicle made things much brighter!  

I tried to put the birthday first, but I am too tired to figure that out tonight.  Mallory is attending teaching conference in Phoenix.  She asked if anyone wanted to go with her, they could share her hotel room and then sightsee while she was in her classes.  My mom saw it as an opportunity to make something happen.  Evelyn has been very worried because she can’t remember living in Arizona (because she left there when she was a month old).  So, GG asked if she could take Evelyn along to the conference, and she would take her back to the hospital where she was born, show her where her parents worked when they lived in Mesa (which is not far from Phoenix), take her to a few other tourist hotspots, and basically set her mind at ease on memories of the place that she started out!  They got up at 2:30 this morning in order to make a very early flight.  The trip to the hospital was a little overshadowed by exhaustion I think, but they did get that done today!  I hope they all get a little sleep tonight and have a great trip!

Wrenley and Madison came over today and helped me with a project.  My friend gave me 2 bushels of apples.  We canned apple butter, hot cinnamon apples, and apple pie filling.  We also have apple slices in the dehydrator.  I have more apple butter ready to be canned tomorrow, and we still have 1/2 the apples left!  I hope I can finish this project up tomorrow!  I really appreciate Madison's help.  She loves being in the kitchen!  I will give her some stuff for her pantry!  Pies in the winter - my favorite part of canning!  

18th means 2 cakes I guess - Saige made her a chocolate cake!

Today my princess Q turned 18.  What an incredible gift she has been to our family!   And it has been incredibly fast too.  She went from being a sweet, cute little blonde meatball, to a rowdy, chicken wrangling, dirty kid, to a beautiful adult in a flash.  Everything about her has been ornery, opinionated, and generally hilarious.  She is sarcastic, witty, creative and smart.  I am very much looking forward to seeing where life takes her.  I am proud of her work ethic, and her open-minded attitude towards experiencing life.  We love you Quincy!  Happy birthday!  
Her friend Jo texted me last week and asked if it was ok if he planned a surprise party, and they would all come over when they got off work.  I told him of course!  They made Quincy a 1000 pound sisters cake, and brought decorations and pinatas and the works.  They are all crashing out downstairs, and I can hear them talking and laughing.  It makes me happy that she has such good friends.  I hope that she will always have people in her life who make her feel special and loved!  

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