Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wake up!


The girls materialized out of thin air while I was mowing this week.  I was secretly glad, because I was hot and them wanting to swim gave me a reason to stop and cool off!

What I failed at was reapplying sunscreen.  Oh well I am sure I have been worse off.  

When I get up in the morning, I have a list of things I take care of before work.  Bringing home a puppy added one more thing.  But look at her!   Norma is so happy to see me in the morning.  I make her sleep in a kennel at night.  She doesn’t love it, but she does tolerate it.  She wants out!  She is just soooo excited!   We are working on better manners, but I have to let it slide a little in the early morning because I don’t think it’s her fault for being happy to be out, or happy to see us!  She does know “sit” and “get down” the no jumping, the puppy nipping, and the potty training are getting better, but not super good yet.  She is learning.  Some lessons are hard.  I guess that is just how everything in life is thought isn't it?  When I brought her home, she was the same size as Carlos.  Now, she towers over him!  She and Carlos have a love/hate relationship.  She loves him, he hates her!  I think it is funny when she comes near Jim, Carlos puts himself between her and Jim and barks at her.  He doesn't want to share his 'snack daddy' - and it is pretty obvious what he is doing!

My morning walks are a little bit more treacherous with her around!  And I am sure at some point Grace is going to say "stop screaming at that dog in my ear" but she has been very patient so far!
I haven't instantly bonded with her the way I did our other dogs, but my feelings toward her are definitely starting to lean toward affection.  I think the Border Collies, and the tiny dog had my perception of puppies a little warped is all!  

One of the things I take care of before work is the pool.  We have had a little algae this week with the rain, and the strange weather.  I added chemicals, and then I went to test the levels.  I grabbed ahold of the side to steady myself, and put my hand on this little tree frog.  I danced a jig and screamed.  It was pretty pathetic!  I am pretty sure this dude wasn't out to get me....probably wondered what the heck was going on!  Once I got my wits about me, I took his picture because he is cute!  He seemed unphased by my craziness, and just sort of crawled away.  I am glad it was a tree frog, and not a murderous python with a weapon like I first thought!  Good morning little frog  - wake up!  :)  

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