Monday, July 15, 2024

Set a mood


Well that weekend was something else wasn't it?  I left on Saturday morning to go to work, spent the day at the liquor store selling all sorts of merchandise to all sorts of people.  Turns out, I should have purchased some for myself!  
How many celebrities from my childhood died this weekend?  Several.  Including Dr. Ruth - who I had a funny memory about listening to her show when I was in high school.....a friend and I used to listen to her, giving relationship/intimacy advice to couples and we would howl with laughter.  Later, I attended college intending to have a career similar to Dr. Ruth (however less famous), a sort of idea that was incredibly short lived!  I came home to an assassination attempt?  What in the name of cheese is going on in this country?  Seriously?  How can we be this far gone?  I am disappointed in so many things that are happening.  I am saddened by the constant and consistent revocation of our rights, and the threats made to democracy.  I am just tired.  And sad.  And disgusted. 
I am also sort of curious to see how this plays out, because to me it seems like a publicity stunt.  A dangerous, stupid one, but you know - when backed into a corner, create a diversion right? 

Incidentally, I spent all of Sunday avoiding the news, avoiding social media, and avoiding the general public as much as I could.  I pretty well bolted out of mass to get to my car and drive back to the quiet of my home.  I just can't right now.  Unfortunately, I had to come out of "hiding" to return to work, where it was front and center.  I will say I know how to shut down a room though.  And I did.  And I am not sorry.  What the country needs is a giant etch-a-sketch where we can shake it and start again.  

Enough of that.  I have other things more important to discuss.  Such as this cat.  I have seen some "chill" animals before, but this one takes the cake!  He lets us do anything we want to him.  He is lucky we are nice!  Sweet Tooth Fairy - I can't help but love him.  He is not the brightest, but he very dang well might be the sweetest!  

We had Mallory's dogs when she was gone.  They got a lot more outside time than they normally do I think.  They were not really amused with me, and when she showed up, they literally glued themselves to her and refused to move from her side.  I felt like they were saying "save us from this woman who makes us  play outside in the heat!"  Truly, they are not much of a problem to watch, but Daisy does not sleep all night, and I am tired and old, so I was happy to have Mallory take them back!
We had Sunday lunch instead of Sunday dinner, since Evelyn had her summer reading program party last night.  I never made it to the store, since I was in hiding, and so I had to order pizza!  Everyone seemed happy with this arrangement.

Evie was happy to be back from Arizona, and happy to be with Wrenley!  I could tell Wrenley missed her too!  I did laugh - when I asked what her favorite thing in Arizona was, she quickly responded "visiting all the gift shops with GG!"  I can imagine that GG is going to need a second job now!

I am hoping that the rest of this week is not as strange as the weekend was.   Prayers for peace for this country, and for the people here to all just take a step back and use some common sense will be said by me.  I will continue this until I die.

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