Wednesday, July 24, 2024

insanity fair


When I tell you that the last couple of days have been crazy, I am not even sure I can do it justice on typing out the levels it has reached.  First of all, Evie is attending kindergarten camp this week. Basically a week long readiness session to help them learn how to navigate kindergarten.  She is excited about it. Like mega level excited.  Of course, how?  How is it even possible that she is old enough for school?   That in and of itself would have made me call this week insane.  But it just keeps giving!  

Monday, after getting home from WSU orientation at 10:30 pm, the girls and I decided loading the chickens that we were taking to the processor would be a much better idea than getting up at 3:30 am and doing it.  The chickens have to be off of food for 10-12 hours before you take them anyway, so this wasn’t going to be a bad idea. We had them all loaded, and in the truck, ready to leave at 4 yesterday morning.  As I mentioned, Jim was taking them in for me, as I had a board meeting.  He had to be in Chetopa at 7:30.  Chetopa is a small town outside of Parsons.  It is approximately 2 hours and 45 ish minutes away.  He texted that he made it at 7:15.  He did awesome.  I am thankful he was willing to take them for me. I know it’s not a fun drive, or a fun process.  I am super glad that it is finished though. And we have chicken in the freezer ready for chicken dinners this winter!   Side note, Jim has announced his willingness to take the chickens for me at any time because there is a county lake, where he was able to catch his first ever spotted bass while he waited for them to finish processing the chickens.  He was excited about it, but unfortunately, his phone died, and he did not get photographic evidence of his catch....he needs to go catch another!  I am glad he had fun!

The reason I got home so late on Monday night was that Quincy had her freshman orientation at WSU.   Now, I have been to number of these type of events.  This is our 6th kid to put into college.   This was, however my first time having an orientation last for an entire day!  We left early - got there at 8, and wrapped up around 4.30.  We had lunch in the dorm cafeteria where Quincy will be living this fall, we got a pretty good tour of campus. We were given  a crazy (CRAZY) amount of information.   This was my first time on WSU campus. I was truly impressed at all the services they have to help their students achieve their degrees, set them up in career readiness, and truly if you are not successful there, it isn’t for lack of effort on their part.  I hope she will be really happy with her choice.  Less than a month until move in day.  I’m happy for her - and sad about it at the same time.  I do feel better knowing that Colin lives literally 12 minutes away from campus.  I know he will be there for his little sis if she needs anything.  
And we did head over and visit with Colin and Spencer for a little bit.  Colin went with us to dinner - Spencer has a group project she was working on.  She has one week left until she finishes her Master’s degree.  I know how hard she has worked to get this done.  I am so proud of her!   It isn’t easy to work full time, go to school, and keep up with everything else.  She’s a rockstar. 

Colin told us there is this great little Mexican place but it is a little way away from his house.  We decided good Mexican is always worth the drive.  When we got there, I looked across the street and immediately knew where I was -there was Grace’s old church when she lived in Wichita.  The place where her boys went to grade school, where they made some of their sacraments, and had their Boy Scout events. I had been in that church probably a dozen times!  I never got there the way Colin took me, but hey I’m calling it a win for knowing where I was!  
I didn’t take any pictures with Colin, but I did want to ask Grace if she knew about this place so I snapped a photo.  She said she hadn’t eaten there, but James said they had.  I will say I would absolutely go again.  Some of the best enchiladas verdes poblanos I have ever had!  
On my way home, Cameron texted to tell me his car finally blew up.  We knew it was coming truthfully.  Lucky for him, Quincy has a weird little used car lot going on around here.  So tonight, I drove up to KC, picked him up from work, went to Lauren’s grandparents' house and helped him load up the rest of his stuff, and went to see his new apartment, which he got possession of earlier in the day. 

I made him pose at his work, and again at the apartment. 

And my photography skills are absolutely on point - look at that brand new, awesome colored, expertly installed new carpet (that I was totally taking a picture of, not that I cut off Cameron's head).  Lauren is going to continue to stay with her grandparents for a while because having Bella where she has a yard is a good set up with the number of hours they are working.   I am thankful to Lauren’s grandparents for allowing Cameron to stay with them while he was searching for a place to live.  They are hoping to save some money so they can get a house at some point.  For now, Cameron’s apartment is a 6 minute drive away from where Lauren is living, and they are working a ton of hours, so I am not sure they would be seeing each other anyway!  It was good to see Lauren, I keep missing her when I have seen Cameron lately!  

The apartment is really cute....and perhaps we will be in trouble when Jim realizes he is just steps away from a stocked pond, and a couple blocks to a Burger King!  Jim may be moving to KC!  :)  

I am sorry that Cameron's car blew up, but I was happy that Quincy had a spare care he could borrow for a bit while he figures out what he wants to do.  I am also happy I had a reason to run up and see his work, meet his co-workers, and see his new place!
Today, I won't be going anywhere, because I don't have a vehicle.  I gave Cameron the "spare" and my Nissan is back because the a/c stayed charged for approximately 3 days.  I am a little bit frustrated, and I am hoping they can fix it for a much, much smaller fee this time.  As frustrating as it is, I am secretly glad that when Jim drives me home from work, I will be stranded because I have not been home for days, have a list a mile long to occupy my time, and have a date with my pool!  

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