Monday, July 8, 2024

Wrenley’s Party

Our sweet Wrenley turned 1 last week.  We had her birthday party this weekend.  She had a cookie monster party.  She is adorable and I am amused by her sweet personality and her multitude of facial expressions.  

This is Wrenley with her grandma Rachel.  Rachel is a very talented seamstress, and she made Wrenley a cookie monster dress.  It was both adorable and hilarious.  It was also sort of hot with that furry material, and she ended up sweating and happier without it on!  I love this picture of her and her grandma Rachel.  I sent it to Rachel last night.  Sometimes we get so busy helping, or cooking, or taking the photos, that we don't take the time to be in the photos.  I will freely admit that I don't exactly like to be the photos either....I am not photogenic, and I usually end up looking like a weirdo.  But seriously, you are never going to be sorry for taking a picture later.  There is literally nobody saying gee I wish I had less photos of my child growing up, less photos of grandma, less pictures of my child's first holiday.   And sometimes, photos are all we have left of a person we love.  I need to do better at accepting my unphotogenicness (did I just create a word?) and just go with it.  

And so long as I am in this weird place this morning, I am also going to throw out that I am so happy with the parents that Madison and Andrew are.  They work really hard, and try so hard to give the girls all the things they need, and most of the things they would like to have.  Madison bought the pieces to this party over months so it would be more affordable, and she made the cakes herself.  They cooked up the food and made sure every detail was in place for this party.  They also included Evelyn in helping with stuff.  Evie made the goody bags and helped decorate the cakes.  They are a sweet little family and I am very proud of them.  All that is really required for a child to grow up successfully is to have a couple of people who love them, and work hard for them.  I guarantee these girls are on the right path.

Of course, when the party was over, Andrew and Jim had to go fishing.  Which was fine because it gave the girls a chance to go swimming with me.  These girls do love to swim!
Mallory ran in to get her swimsuit, and dogs.  I was cracking up watching these crazy dogs - Olive loves to play fetch.  If she doesn't have a ball, she will find a hedge ball or a stick and drop it at your feet.  Norma was watching.  Olive brought a stick.  Norma chased after her.  Olive brought the stick back.  Norma grabbed ahold of it too.  Olive was not amused at all!  They were playing tug-o-war with the stick.  I am looking around at all the sticks and trees and thinking really girls?  There are plenty of sticks!  Norma is a smart dog.  She learns fast.  She is also a stubborn dog, and her listening skills are not always the best.  We are working on it.  I noticed this weekend how much she has grown already! 

And because this is perhaps the queen of weird posts, a little macramé story.  I had this little potted petunia.  I got a cool corner shelf at a garage sale, but I don't think the plant was getting enough sun.  I decided I wanted a plant hanger, and tried to order one online.  Macrame plant holders on line were crazy expensive.  So I texted my mother, and asked her if she still remembered how to macrame (she has mad hippy skills.)  She told me she did, and she would fix me right up.  I want her to teach me to do this!  She whipped me up a cute little pot holder!  Preston was home Friday, and put the hook up on the porch for me. He then told me that I might be officially old....apparently macrame is not trendy at this time.  Old or not, I really think it looks cute hanging out there!  Thank you mom!  Now I am on a mission because I think having some hanging pots under the deck would look nice.  Jim will be so excited!  :)  


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