Friday, July 12, 2024

What I said….

Remember when ball season ended a couple of weeks ago?  Remember what I said?  That I was excited about reclaiming my evenings, having a little more free space in my days, and doing a little less running?   Ok so I may have been delusional, or drunk.   I haven’t been home one dang day, let alone the evenings. 
It’s budget time at work- both the watershed district and the township. That creates meetings, longer than normal work hours, research, estimating, and did I mention meetings?  
The never ending lists of kid appointments continues.  Jim and I worked in a concession stand/ice cream social for the park and rec department.  I helped Quincy sell one of her cars, meeting buyers and locating titles.  It has literally been one thing after another after another, until I just want to fall over.  So much so, that I don’t even have time to take my own pictures, and had to use these photos from Evie’s vacation!   Today she went to the hole in the rocks, a butterfly garden and the aquarium.  There may have been a few other places as well, but I just looked at pictures and didn’t really do a good job of reading the details in the texts.   (Sorry GG).  I am glad she is having fun!

I wish I could say this is the beginning of a restful  weekend.  So not happening.  
Liquor store, hay buying, fraternity brothers picnic, probable grocery shopping and somehow I need to do some house and lawn work.  .  Here’s hoping I can accomplish a little bit of something!   


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