Sunday, July 21, 2024

Weekends should be this


We had a much needed relaxing weekend after a stressful week.  (My stress was caused by budget setting woes at work). I got home Friday after an extremely long day, expecting to kick back and relax.  No such luck.  The kid we buy our hay from called. He had our hay baled, but needed help getting it out of the field.  Quincy, Harper, Saige and I threw the bales onto the trailer and the kid stacked it for us.  Then he drove it over to our house and parked his trailer so we could unload it.  I knew it needed to be unloaded, because it was supposed to rain on Saturday, but I was pretty beat.  As I was waiting for Quincy to finish with her dog sitting duties, Cameron texted to say he was thinking about coming home for the weekend.  I’ll tell you, the possibility of having a little more help with unloading hay made me extremely happy.  The girls, Cameron and I got it unloaded and packed away for winter in a pretty short amount of time. I really appreciate all their hard work!  

It was also nice to catch up a little bit.  I’m happy Camerons is close by again to have opportunities like these. 

We had Sunday dinner tonight.   Wrenley went from being the quiet, sit in the walker kid to being absolutely everywhere!   She is one to watch- she is fearless.  

While Cameron was home, he told me that he thinks my family wall and my blog are real nice, but not a realistic representation of our family.  He thinks I should make a “Dud of the Week” wall, where I have a weekly contest to see who did the dumbest thing, took the worst photo, or disappointed us the most.  So I made a sign and have a few ideas for designing a wall.  And I do have the wall space.  Cameron texted the family and asked for everyone’s entries.  Here are some of my favorites.  

Now, I was surprised at how willingly the others submitted their entries. And I am new to this so I think I am issuing a 16-way tie because I need more time to prepare the rules.  Starting next week, a person who submits the best entry, or disappoints me the most will be crowned.  Cameron thinks I should announce the winner every Sunday on the blog.  
I am adding that you cannot purposely do dangerous activities in order to win, the only prize is knowing you won for that week, and Jim and I will also be participating, so it doesn’t look like are not occasional duds too (hell it is probably genetic)!   I’ll post more when I get the wall display finished. 
I think we are in for more craziness this week.  We have a trip to WSU for enrolling, a trip to the chicken processing place, a couple of board meetings, Evie is attending Kindergarten camp, and more insanity.  I needed this weekend.  I am thankful for it, and I hope the next one gets here ASAP!  

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