Friday, July 26, 2024

Thanks Saige?

Anytime I leave my phone behind, I will come back to find it filled with the most random things.  Like videos singing to the cats, 100's of pictures of the cats, and sometimes pictures of people's feet.  I mostly blame Saige, although I believe the other girls are just as guilty.  I decided why not share?  You all should be just as entertained as I am right?  I mean, this takes real skills!  

Yesterday, I was telling Jim I am so excited because my zucchini are getting close to ready!  As we were going to town, the neighbor had out a giant box of "free zucchini" - reminding me that they shouldn't be hard to grow!  I did send the girls over to get a zucchini from the neighbor's box - promising them a chocolate zucchini cake, but the box was empty.  A few hours later, Jim showed up with a giant box full of zucchini and yellow squash from a co-worker.  I guess I should be careful what I wish for?  :)  Also, I guess I know what I am doing this weekend....because we all still want cake!

These kitties are getting big!  They are married now - Saige had a ceremony one afternoon and now they are committed forever.  They seemed like they didn't really care about the amazing ceremony and all the details she put into it.  I had to decline the invitation, because it was my dog's birthday....

Anyway, life here has been unexpectedly busy, a little bit stressful, a tiny bit crazy, but overall it is going well.  I am weekend ready!

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