Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mid week something


This week, our pullets started laying!  It was an exciting day- I also got my first 2 zucchini, and a few peppers.  I texted a photo to Jim and told him since I was officially a homesteader now- maybe I quit my jobs?   He didn’t really respond with an affirmative on the job quitting, but he did have scrambled eggs for dinner because we have a lot of eggs currently!  
Tuesday, my Nissan was done - again.  Jim and I ran to town to pick it up, ran a couple of errands, he went back to work, I ran a couple more errands and then got home mid-afternoon.  I pulled in to see my girls all having a pool party (without me!).  I jokingly got out of my car, walked over and said to Evie “who said you could swim without me?”  Girl didn’t miss a beat she responds “Poppy said we could!”   Kindergarten is going to be fun for her.   ;)

Of course, if you swim, you have to eat a popsicle afterwards.  This girl is everywhere and has started pulling up!   It won’t be long until she is running.  

Jim had some training and then had to help them put in some aeration pump/fountain in the city lake. He got home late to find the girls and I having breakfast for dinner. When the critter patrol sees him with his dinner, they expect him to share.  They aren’t disappointed!  Old softie.

One of the errands we ran was to Menards.  I have such a sad love affair with that store.  Seriously - that store has everything I never knew I needed.  As Jim was hunting for some mower/cart tire I found myself in the garden section.  They had knock out rose bushes on a crazy cheap clearance sale.  They didn’t look bad either. I had a little conversation with the garden section employee. He told me and I quote “it is fine to plant roses this time of the year, you just gotta water the piss out of them.”  Aaahhh a gardener with advice I can comprehend. I have been trying to put in a perennial garden at the end of the driveway.  The rock lined beds are already in place, but I wanted to put in stuff that will come back, and would be pretty year after year.  I had wanted to get some knock out roses, because they bloom all summer, and are just beautiful!  I told Jim I was going to buy just one - to see if it would do ok down there, and then if it did, I would buy a couple more.  I had a vision.  I started digging where I wanted it, and I hit rock!  Like big, immovable, can't dig around it rock.  So I moved over a couple feet, not where I wanted to be, but close.  Again, I hit rock.  I moved again, and this time I hit some sort of yellow wire (probably an old phone line).  Luckily, I didn't slice through it, but I did get frustrated with that location and decided to throw all my plans out the window!  I just put it in front of the rock wall.  I like how it looks, but I need about 2 or 3 more to make it look "right."  It is ok though, I will just watch for another sale!  (Jim will be thrilled!).  Seriously though, how beautiful are these pink roses?  I love it! 

And I just keep smiling whenever I see my little Gaillardia blooming and looking so pretty!  I did pull some of the seeds, and planed them in the failed holes I dug!  I hope that works!  This might be the most photographed little plant ever!  If you are sick of seeing photos of her, too bad - she is in a line of things I am currently obsessed with!

My other obsession - trying to train this dog.  She ain't easy, but she is cute.  She now knows "kennel" although, she won't leave her bedding in place, and ends up sleeping on the wires.  She has choices - I am not going to feel bad about it.  She likes to take her little chewy treats in there - I think she feels like they will be safe from Carlos.  Last night, storms popped up, and I made her go in her kennel because she was being flat obnoxious.  She fell asleep immediately, and it was making me laugh that her ear was out of the kennel.  Pretty soon, Carlos walked by and bit her ear.  I am telling you, he hates his sister.  :)  I am starting to think that she isn't actually dumb, more like defiant.  She is heavily food motivated, so that does help.  I will master her, she doesn't understand who she is tangling with! We didn't have a lot of storm damage, but we did have a lot of branches and sticks that fell down out of the trees.  I was attempting to pick some of them up this morning and she would grab them out of my hands, or pull the opposite direction like we were playing tug-of-war!  I blame Mallory's dog Olive, for teaching her that sticks are toys!  I wonder how hard it would be to train Norma to pick up the sticks and put them in the burn pile?  New goal!

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