Friday, August 16, 2024

Big crazy


I wanted to give a little shout out to my people.  The girls have been extremely helpful!   My arm isn’t extremely painful.  Unless I try to use it.  I am also severely right handed, so this has been less than ideal.  But Harper and Saige have been helping me a ton!   They have been keeping chores done up, and helping with house work.  Jim has been helping me with all sorts of stuff, including getting ready for work in the mornings.   I would be lost without them.  Mallory picked up some stuff I needed in town.  When she delivered it, she got conned into helping me get peppers and zucchini into the freezer.  She and Harper shredded about 18 bags of zucchini.  My pepper plants have gone into mass production, so I have been cutting the stems off and freezing them whole.  I will do something with them at a later time.  I am not good at needing help, or asking for it.  I am probably one of the most independent, stubborn people ever born.  Their patience and help is very much appreciated.  

I got this cute photo from the Clawsons.  I think it is safe to say we all miss her!  Quincy girl reports that things are going well.  She went with Colin today and he changed her oil, and then helped her go job hunting.  She says her suite mates are all moved in, and all seem very sweet.  She’s just doing a few things to prepare for school starting.  
I also talked to Preston a little bit last night, when storm after storm kept hitting Manhattan.  He says his new apartment is in the basement, so he wasn’t too worried.  He was happy that Sunny was moving back Thursday.  I think he missed her the last couple of weeks.  

Madison and I were supposed to take CPR together today, however I didn’t see how I could participate in the class, so I got put Into a later date class.  Harper and Saige babysat for the girls while Madison was gone.  I am constantly amused by those girls.  Wrenley wanted to be in the dog kennel.  Nobody put her there I promise!  

Because the fair was insane, and then it rained, and then was cold, and then I got hurt, the pool water got away from me.  I shocked it and Jim got in and brushed.  It is not pretty, but I guarantee there can’t be any germs with the amount of chemicals I have added.  I let the girls swim anyway today.  I’ll get it back, just need to grab a couple more bags of shock. I was hoping to use the pool for physical therapy after my surgery. 
And speaking of surgery, what a dang fiasco this has been.  I saw a doctor in Topeka on Wednesday. When I left, he told me he needed to consult with a shoulder specialist, and a trauma doctor, but would call me Thursday with a surgery time.  On Thursday, his office called, with a referral to a different doctor because he "doesn't do shoulder surgery."  The new doctor is out of town, and couldn't see me until Monday.  I asked to go ahead and schedule the surgery, as they are in the same office.  I was told he would not schedule without seeing me.  My question immediately was then why did you let me see the other doctor, if you knew he didn't work on shoulders?  I was not happy.  Who knows they need to have surgery, and then wants to sit around with a broken shoulder for over a week before you can get in to the doctor?  Tell me again why universal health care is bad?  Commonly when I bring it up, I am told "wait times will be horrible!"  OH really?  (Insert cuss words).  I was so mad when I got off the phone I was about in tears.  If you know me, you know I absolutely HATE to cry.  If you make me cry, it is on.  So, about then, my mom texted to tell me that she had gone to some safety meeting for the bus, and that old Bob said to go to this doctor in Lawrence - he is the best guy for shoulders and is the nicest etc.  On a mad whim, I called his office.  They were so nice, and so helpful!  They were able to request my x-rays and my CT scan, and worked me in to their schedule today.  They scheduled my surgery for Tuesday.  Totally not their fault that I messed around in Topeka for most of the week....and I was so happy to get it scheduled.  Not to mention, he did not need to call in extra doctors, as he said he can take care of all of my problems himself.  Since his plan was nearly identical to the original doctor, but he is capable of doing the surgery needed, I just felt so much better about it.  He also assured me it could be an outpatient surgery, and that I will need to wear a sling for 4 weeks, and then we will see how things go.  

School starts next week.  I won't be able to drive the bus for a while.  My boss did agree to letting me ride with the sub, and he will pay me, at least for part of my hours.  I have always cut my kids hair, but realized that it was not going to be possible to do their back to school haircuts, not to mention I can't get my arm up to do my own hair.  I called up Terri, and she got us taken care of.  I had her hack my hair off short, because I figured that way, I could do it left handed.  The girls got their first "salon cuts" and were happy about it.  Jim may get a left handed buzz....I think I can make it work.  
Tomorrow, I will be working all day at the liquor store.  Luckily, it is not a difficult job, and the cash register is a touch screen that I can run left handed.  I was able to work late and get everything done so I can be gone next week if I have to be, although I am not really planning to miss much work.  Except for the bus, of course.  None of these things were part of my master plan, buuuuttt we are making it work.  

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