Saturday, August 10, 2024

Last day- parade day

This morning, Quincy went to work her last shift at the Clawson's.  She has worked there every Saturday since she was about 13 years old.  She has learned a ton from them, and they have been very generous with our kids!  This feels like the last of an era, since Harper doesn't want to work every Saturday, and Saige isn't old enough!  Some of our kids have been working up there for probably the last 10 years!  She said she wasn't overly sad, because she knows she can go visit them any time she wants, and she is sort of looking forward to having Saturdays off!  
While she was at work, Harper, Saige and I went to the fairground clean up, and picked up the rest of their exhibits.  We worked pretty hard, and it went pretty fast, as quite a few people showed up.  We then came home, worked on cleaning up, and cleaning out the car.  Jim tried to do some burning, but right when he got it going good, it started to rain!  Oh well, the best plans right? 
I went out to mow for a little while, but when I was going along, I saw this guy pull in our driveway!  He thought the parade was in the afternoon.  That worked out ok, we had a little time to visit!  
Colin and Spencer also drove up today!  They  met us at the parade!

We had a few people to watch for, Evelyn rode in one of the Carbondale Fire trucks with her dad.  I took photos, but she is sort of hard to see in there!  Big old truck - tiny little girl!  Squint, you can see her! 

Cash came to the parade, it was pretty funny, when Spencer told him to stay, he did, but he had to hold her hand!  He is the sweetest boy!  I just love him!  He seemed unphased by the parade.  

We told Cameron if he was holding the baby, he would have a reason to get candy!  He did for a while, but then Wrenley got kind of sticky, and messy, so he gave her to Spencer.  I noticed that Spencer is a much better candy getter than Cameron - more thorough!  

Harper marched with the band.  Her first marching band/parade experience.  She did a great job!  I was so proud of her.  She was annoyed when she saw me videoing her performance, but she will be ok later.  They sounded great!  It was fun to have a kid back in the high school band again! 

She looks so dang grown up ---- why  do they have to grow up so fast anyway?  
Good job Harper!

Wrenley had a sucker in one hand and a popsickle in the other.  The stickiness was real!  :)

Also in the parade, the poop patrol.  I think Jim definitely got a better end of this duty- he got to drive while Mayor Jon scoooped the horse poop!  Mayor Jon got to wear the cape though, so maybe not.  

After the parade, Harper and I took a turn working in the food stand.  We were so busy, the time flew by!  We got everything done, cleaned up and were out of there in time to go to Dollar General before they close at 10!  
Tonight, I am tired, and we all know there is just no tired like fair tired.  But I am also filled with mixed emotions.  Sad it is over for Quincy....thankful we had this experience, sad about her moving out of our house, but proud of her for making good choices about her life.  Happy to think that we survived another fair, but also just weirded out thinking in 6 years we will be just grandparent/spectators rather than the craziness of the last 25 or so years of working our buns off up there.  Maybe I just need to go to brain is all over the place.  

At any rate, 2024 fair is a wrap, we are moving on to back to school stuff, fall things, football games to watch marching band, and bus driving.  Not my idea of good times since it means summer ending, but I can't stop it, so I guess we will just roll with it!


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