Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Fair day 1


The girls did a great job of getting everything entered while I was busy being the poultry/rabbit barn superintendent.  Quincy drove all the animals to town, and they did all their own unloading, washing, and weigh-in with minimal help from me!  I do appreciate them being so self sufficient! 
Madison brought the girls over, and Evelyn has quite a haul of projects - and since Madison was waiting in lines to get her stuff entered, she was kind enough to enter a few things for the girls!  Between us, we got it all covered!  

The girl's goats all made weight.  Saige's is the biggest goat we have ever taken to a fair I think - at 80 pounds!  Quincy's was 57 pounds, and Harper's was 62.  They have to be 50 pounds to sell, so we made it!  Always feels better after you get them weighed in!
Evie's goat is a little bit wild, so we brought Chiz in for her to show.  Chizzy is a sweet, sweet baby, and I think Evelyn will do a great job of showing her in the open class breeding goat class!  Harper washed her up for Evie, so that they didn't have to stay all day!  Evie was over the top excited today! 

Harper's snickerdoodles, and Saige's monster cookies got blue ribbons....I think they are confused and have been watching the Olympics too much?  These ribbons are not gold girls!  

Saige got reserve champion on the poster she made for her pet project - about Carlos' identity crisis.  She got a blue on the poster she made about her cat Tooth Fairy.  She also "borrowed" a flower from Mallory's patch, and it got a blue. 

Harper had the grand champion flower - and won a nice little cooler.  Confession time - the flower came out of Mallory's flower bed.  One might think that means the cooler technically belongs to Mallory....however, in the last year, Harper has bailed water out of Mallory's basement 2 times, and helped her remove the worst sticky flooring we have ever seen, so I figure Mallory owes her one!  

I can't believe this is Quincy's last fair!  I am trying to hold it together and not spend the whole week crying!  She grew up so fast!  This girl literally attended her first fair when she was 3 weeks old - and has been going to them her entire life.  She was so excited at her first fair, with her first goat and chickens!  I am blown away thinking she is an adult.  

They tried to take a group photo of all the livestock kids - it cracked me up to see them all looking a little wild and crazy looking.  I should have gotten closer!  Oh well.  Next time.

I didn't get any photos of Evelyn today, but I couldn't help but grab my camera as this girl snarfed down her free donut sitting in the chicken barn on my entry table!  Girlie loves her some donut!  

I always feel better when everything is entered- deadlines are met, and things settle in a little bit.  I think day 1 was a pretty good success!  (Made even better by the fact that it cooled down and was almost chilly!)

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