Monday, August 19, 2024

Everything’s up in the air


Today is Preston's first day of his sophomore year at KSU. 

And Quincy's first day of her freshman year at WSU.  I am so happy that they indulged my love of first day photos.  I hope they have a successful, educational, safe and amazing year! I love you both!

Madison sent me these photos.  I love these girls so much!  They are enjoying their last couple of days of summer break!  Madison will be driving a bus route this year, and she got her bus picked up today.  They put a seat belt in it so that Wrenley can have her carseat installed properly and can go with her momma!  Madison bought her a fan for the first couple of weeks when the weather is hot!  I am happy that Madison has an opportunity to have a job where the little ones can go with her, and she is on the same schedule as the school aged one.....makes life pretty good.  

I had a phone call today that I found devastating.  They called to cancel my surgery.  I am taking a medication that has a 2 week wean off time before taking anesthesia.  Where I appreciate them not killing me, my spirit is a little bruised.  I just do not like being down.  I hate asking for help.  I hate taking time off work.  I hate feeling dependent on people.  The choices now are wait the 2 weeks, which to me seems brutal.  I feel like that would put me 3 weeks post-accident, and the healing will have started which means that they will have to rebreak things to set it properly.  Second choice, do nothing.  Let it heal on its own, and hope for the best....might be ok, but probably would require future surgery at some point.  And the 3rd possibility is to have the surgery while awake - with a local (although nobody seemed very excited by this idea).    I am currently waiting for my doctor to call me back to discuss my options.  Trying hard to not cry about it, and make an educated decision on what will be the best thing.  I went out to empty the skimmer, saw the crystal blue water, and decided what is the worst that can happen?  In case you are wondering, it is possible to get in and out of the pool with one arm, and it is possible to clean the pool with one arm (although not as thoroughly as I would like).  I am not wasting any more sunny days not getting in the water, even if I have to modify my routine.  My shoulder is already broken, I don't see how getting it wet will hurt it?  
I was thinking, I should be used to this by now.  Nothing....and I mean nothing I plan ever goes the way it is supposed to.  I wasted my weekend cleaning, cooking, planning, working and for what?  For not.  I guess now you know why I usually just make stuff up as I go along.  

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