Sunday, August 4, 2024

Calm before the storm.

This upcoming week is the Overbrook fair.  We aren’t ready.  We haven’t done the things we needed to do.  We haven’t put together a well thought out plan.  We are winging it big time.  Will this strategy work?  We aren’t sure, but it’s too late to turn back now.  
What I have accomplished - I bought groceries with a fairly well thought out plan to make crock pot meals and thanks to a great sale, sandwiches for the cooler.  I have purchased all the fair supplies.  I have procured the snacks and drinks.  Because if you have the snacks and drinks, what could possibly go wrong?  
We also attended the fair ground clean up night.   
Madison has volunteered to come over tomorrow and help with baking.  Mallory is helping with poster making duties.  Sometimes I feel like my older girls are more into it than the younger crowd who is still actively involved in 4-H!  I’m sure it will all work out, but this weekend was exactly what I needed. 
Jim and I spent the whole day together Saturday.  We ran to KC, delivered a baby shower gift to Grace.  We visited with her and James for a while. The gift is for her new grandson who will be arriving next month.  It is our Godson’s baby.  We are very excited to meet him!  We also met Cameron and Lauren. I had packed up a bag of stuff I needed to give Cameron. I got home and realized I forgot a few things!   We didn’t get to hang out with them for very long, but it was nice to see them both for a bit.  

I don’t tell Jim that after they met us, they went fishing?  If I had, I’m guessing we wouldn’t have had time to finish our errands.  Jim and I picked up a few things at the hardware store, and then got groceries.  I loved having an entire day to hang out with Jim.  We got a lot of junk accomplished.  It was a good day.  

Friday we visited the Douglas county fair to watch Clayton show his steer.  We also looked over his pigs.  The girls and I then shopped until we dropped.  We got all of their school supplies (except one pair of shoes that Saige needs).  We got all of the rest of the stuff in Quincy’s list for her dorm room.  We bought baby gifts, and some new stuff for Evelyn and Wrenley to wear when school starts.  We filled my entire car with stuff.  It was fun, but exhausting.  I am glad it is done.  
We managed to get the house cleaned, most of the laundry done, the pool cleaned, Jim got some of the lawn work done, attended the fairgrounds clean up, made jalapeño jelly from peppers we grew, put corn in the freezer, and had Sunday dinner. I feel like we accomplished a lot, and everyone pitching in made it where it wasn’t overly stressful for anyone.   
I know that no matter how the fair goes, we will have fun and make good memories.  I intend to enjoy it, as it is Quincy’s last fair.  Time goes too fast, and I know my days of doing this stuff with my kids is limited. 


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