Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Some stuff


I have been a little bummed about not being able to do things that I like to do, and having to modify life.  Tonight, Jim's coworker hosted another painting party.  I loved this one, and am totally sad that I can't paint left handed!  The good news is that she was willing to make me a kit, so I can paint it a little later on, when my arm is back to fine motor skill doing mode.  Honesty, the timing for this is just bad....but I don't suppose there is a good time to be hurt.  I am happy that as I have been forced to wait to get things back in order, I have not really been in much pain.  Mallory did go to the party, and I love how her porch leaner turned out!  She did good!  Hoping she paid attention, so that when I am working on my kit, she can give me some pointers or something!  I figure sometime this winter, I will hopefully have a day (and a functioning arm) to work on it.  
I am also starting to panic, as I figure surgery will be scheduled for next week, and it is budget hearing/board meeting time at work, things are not done, people who need to have their $hit together don't, my time is being spent on the phone begging people to do their jobs, deadlines are looming, and I am feeling a little bit like my head is going to pop off.   This is not unusual for this time of the year, but I usually don't fanaticize about physical violence. (just kidding- sorta). 

Luckily, we live close to these 2 girls.  I love seeing them, loving on them, and watching them grow.  Evie is now getting like 4 eggs a day from her 6 chickens.  I love how much she enjoys these birds.  I agree.  When things go to poo, I spend a little time throwing chickens some bugs, or grass clippings, or some vegetables and watch them go crazy.  They are relaxing to watch.  

I am so thankful for Jim.  Last night, I told him that we were getting low on feed, but there is no way I could lift the bags around.  He told me if I waited until he got off work, he would help me, and take me out for dinner.  An offer I couldn't refuse.  For the stress that I have going on at work, you can multiply it by 10 and you have Jim's job.  He is also trying to get budget stuff done, and meetings set up.  But he did take the evening, took me to dinner, and helped me get feed for the animals.  He also did not have his dinner set well, and while we were at Menard's he had to make a bathroom run.  He did not complain, when upon his return, I had loaded our cart with some (more) clearance sale rose bushes, a few pool chemicals, and a lot of Halloween decorations.  (I blame him...he knows I cannot be trusted unsupervised in Menards).  

Tonight, he helped me dig holes, plant rose bushes, and some mini holly hocks I got from my mom.  He also carried all the water jugs I had to drag down to water all these things.  When we got done with gardening, I also had him help me give Ollie a bath, on the deck with the hose.  He got completely soaked.  I know it probably wasn't what he wanted to do after work, but I appreciate it.  He has always supported all my insane ideas, and helped me do the things I ask of him.  I hit the jackpot in the husband department.  
Also, I am working on a new project, to grow not only a few beautiful perineal plants at the end of the driveway, but to also get my hands on some native beneficial plants.  I imagine Jim is tired of me reading and reciting facts about the plants that I am hunting for, planning to plant, and what I plan to use them for.  He smiles, and probably does the same thing in his brain that I do when he tells me baseball stats.  :)  Marriage is a weird thing.  Two people who decide to merge their lives, and then spend the rest of your life doing projects together.  (Some against your will - right Jim?).  

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