Thursday, August 22, 2024

First day


Today is the first day of school in the SFT district.  I may not love when summer ends, but I do love me some first day photos!  

Evelyn started kindergarten today.  That was one heck of a fast 5 years!  I can't believe she is going to school!  She is more than ready....the rest of us - well I guess we are gonna get ready real fast!  She is in Mrs. Morris' class this year.  I think it will be a great year for her!

The girls had to be up early and ready to go because their momma is a bus driver now, and they have to go with her!  This pic of Wrenley was sort of reminiscent of my feelings on the subject!  

I stepped out to feed the birds and was sort of blown away by the cool weather, and the beauty!  

I got these 2 up.  We usually do chores together before school, but they handled it this morning without me.  I appreciate them.  They are good girls.  Harper is a freshman this year, and Saige is a 7th grader.  Jim and I are squeaking so close to being empty nesters - something I am not excited about being!  But I am proud of my girls!

My boss offered me a job as a bus para until I can reclaim my regular duties.  It isn't really something I wanted to do, but 1 - broken things are expensive and I need the money, and 2 - I didn't really have a better offer, and 3 - I do like seeing the kids.  Off to para land I went.  

Mallory is in first grade again this year.  I think this is year 8 for teaching for her, but I could be wrong.  I am proud of her for the work she puts in, for the passion she has for what she does, and for sticking in there in a career that is not easy, and not really well supported by society, despite its critical importance.  

My apologies to Sunny, as I somehow left her off the first day photos from Monday.  She is back at it at KSU, busting her buns to get her degree finished.  I know she isn't really mine officially, but I have decided she is one of us and I am proud of her as well!  Plus she got Preston to eat his vegetables, so I feel indebted to her!  (have a great year Sunny).  

And Madison, got herself a big bus, a route, and a job that she can take her kids along to work with her.  I am proud of her too, although bus driving isn't for everyone.  I enjoy it, and I hope she will too.  

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