Saturday, August 31, 2024

The surprise

Evelyn was about 3 days old when her grandma Rachel first told me that she couldn't wait to take her to Disneyworld.  At the time I thought it was cute, but I was just focusing on getting to bring her home, and somehow convince them to move back to Kansas!  Over the last 5 years, I have talked to Rachel and she would mention to me that she couldn't wait to take Evelyn and now Wrenley to Disney.  She couldn't wait to dress them up, and watch their faces light up with the Disney magic.
Last Christmas, she finally couldn't stand it anymore, and she bought them all tickets.  BUT she wanted it to be a surprise.  Which is a great, cool idea, BUT if you know my daughter Madison at know she cannot keep a secret to save her soul.  You want to know how we 100% knew that she had no idea she was pregnant with Evie in the first place?  Because if she knew, she would have TOLD someone!!  Heck, she would have TOLD EVERYONE!  I smiled when Madison told me they were keeping it a secret.  I was excited for them to go, and I knew Evie would be insane with excitement, but I very seriously doubted that Madison could keep a secret for 9 months!  :)  
Madison proved me wrong, although she did almost slip a few times - and I saw Andrew give her "the look" more than once.  
Thursday night, Evie had a 'sleepover' with Grandma Rachel, and when they woke her up early, they told her they were flying to Disneyworld.  Like right now.  I can't wait to see the video, which Rachel has promised to send!  I imagine there was a 5 year old who was over the moon with excitement!

They were at Disneyworld around the same time I got to work yesterday morning.  It was an early day.  I understand it rained, and a certain 5 year old was not amused by that at all!

But the rain did not stop her from living her absolute best life!  Madison told me that she was absolutely giddy all day long, and Wrenley took the day like a champ as well.  

Of course, if you keep Wrenley fed, she is pretty much up for anything!

I also texted Andrew and asked him to please make sure Madison rode some of the rides and that he made sure she was in some of the pictures.  Moms tend to become the 'baby and purse holders' and the ones taking the photos, and then you get home from vacation and realize you aren't in any of the vacation photos.  I know Madison hates having her photos taken, but I swear to you, the only photos you will ever be sad about are the ones you didn't take.  Andrew is a better photographer than Madison anyway, and I appreciate him taking my request to heart! 

Grandma Rachel absolutely loves Disney, and she spared no expense.  This little girl is amazingly lucky to have so many people who love her!  I am so excited for her to have this experience.  I hope she truly felt like a princess, and will carry these good memories in her heart for her entire lifetime.

I also hope Grandma Rachel knows she is going to have to make a second trip when this one is a little older!  Hahaha- as much as Rachel loves Disney I don't think that will be a problem!

Last night, Jim and I ran to get groceries.  As I was looking at frozen vegetables, I got this picture from Rachel.  I busted a gut laughing.  I showed Jim who went right into sympathy mode - Oh Hope!  she looks exhausted!  And I am sure she was - early morning flight, followed by doing all the things - but I can't help it....I am framing Rachel's photo and hanging it in my living room.  I told Jim $150 to get her in the gate, $200 to dress her like a fancy princess....and she frowns in the picture!  hahaha!  SOOO FUNNY!  Rachel told me she thought it was hilarious and was planning to frame it as well, so I feel like it is ok to laugh.

I always think there is no tired like first week of school tired, and I was told by Madison there is no tired like Disney tired....and these poor kids did both!  Evie had her first full week as a kindergartener, Wrenley had her first full week as a bus riding kid, and then they slammed the end of the week full with a trip to Disney....those girls had to be exhausted.  I hope they slept well last night because I was told they are back at it today!  

I sincerely hope they have the best time!  
I can't wait to hear all about it!


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