Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Goodbye summer


Today is the last day of summer break.  I hate the end of summer.  I hate it.  Sorry/not sorry!  I love summer, and I cannot think of one time when I was ever ready for it to end!  But I am an adult, so I guess I am not supposed to say these things right?  Usually, I have taken the kids back to school shopping, and out to do something fun on the last day, but with Quincy moving, and time running short after the fair, we did our shopping a couple of weeks ago.  I asked Harper and Saige yesterday what they wanted to do for fun today, and one said arcade, and one said nothing!  I don't even know if there is an arcade, and I have a broken shoulder, so I told her we would do that at a later time.  Instead, we invited the girls over for one last pool afternoon, and ice cream sundaes.  

The weather here has been a little bit cool, and the pool water is pretty cold.  Saige didn't last very long in the water, but she stayed outside, enjoying the nice day!

This summer was a great one (until it wasn't).  We had a nice vacation, watched a bunch of our kids graduate and get jobs, watched our grandkids grow and learn.  We played some ball, ate some ice cream, hung out with family and friends, saw some relatives, had a few bbq's and accomplished some projects.  I would say overall, it was a great success.  I wish it wasn't over, but I am not sorry for the time we had, the fun days, and the family bonding.  We were very blessed.  Now my prayer is that this school year will be one of peace, learning, resilience, healing, and safety for all!  

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