Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Always something

So I mentioned that I broke my shoulder.  Technically I have a fracture of the glenoid labrum.  Basically, I broke something that is relatively hard to break, and I did it up real perty.  You can see the loveliness in this cute picture of my shoulder - the area inside the yellow circle that looks like a triangle - yea that is my bone that has cracked off and moved apart.  He said if I do nothing, it will heal, but within 5-10 years, I would have such scarring, and arthritis that my shoulder would probably be completely useless.  I have other useless body parts, so I don't need more.  Surgery it is.  He went on to say that because I have dislocated my shoulder before, and basically it is impossible that this broke without a dislocation that then popped itself back in the socket, I really need to have a trauma doctor at the surgery to tighten the soft tissues up for me.  So basically, they will do surgery, screw the chunk back where it is smooth and can heal correctly, then tuck my tissues back in neatly and tightly, and then immobilize it for a few days, and then send me to physical therapy because the immobile part will make it where I have to strengthen it again.  He couldn't schedule the surgery for me because he is one of 4 doctors that they will have working on it.  Because when Hope messes something up, she goes big!  All I heard was it has to be fixed, or you are screwed, and it is going to be expensive.  Also of note, I asked if I could go back to driving the bus.  He looked at me and said absolutely not- but also he said he couldn't believe I was even asking- he said he thought I should be in massive pain.  I am not, and for that I am thankful.  I am having a little trouble with things like bras and hair.  Jim and the girls have been great at helping me get ready for work!

And since I don't like my blog to be all bad news, and sadness, I am including some happy things too.  Today, Evelyn's chickens laid their first egg.  She was pretty excited about it!

Just in time too, because these girls love breakfast foods!
Also good news - today Harper saw her orthodontist and we have a date for removing her braces!  She is beyond happy! The orthodontist even said he didn't think he had ever seen her smile so much!  
When we got home, we were notified that Quincy won the Knights of Columbus scholarship.  I am very thankful for this, as her financial aide was lacking a little and she owes some to the university.  I am frustrated that rather than fix predatory lending practices, or making education more affordable for these students, they instead limited the amount of money they can an amount that doesn't cover their tuition.  Quincy did get a small academic scholarship, and WSU has a remarkable program where you can apply once, and it throws you into an application for several hundred different scholarships.  She worked on applying for those scholarships today.  We will get it worked out, but it is disappointing.  College should not be so expensive.  They have proven over and over that all of society benefits from its citizens being educated.  It really makes me mad when I see how hard they push college on high school students....making them feel like they have no other options, but then they don't really tell them ways to make it affordable.  Added to the fact that we once hosted a French exchange student, and she explained the college program they have in France, and I just can't understand why we are so far behind.  She was allowed to go to college in a degree field of her choice.  Upon her graduation, she "paid for" her education by working for the French government for 5 years.  She then could enter the private sector or do whatever she wanted, and her education was paid off.  I work for the government, and there are so many departments that are short staffed all the time.  Seems like if they had students graduating and paying their schooling off by working for the government, it might cure the staffing issues, as well as helping students to not be saddled with crippling debt for years and years.  A win-win for everyone?  
Needless to say, I have some new "projects" for my fall - not all of them were projects that I would have chosen, but some times - life.  


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