Sunday, August 18, 2024

Preparation weekend


Well these photos didn’t exactly load in the order I was thinking about, but laziness and lack of desire to fix it has overtaken my motivation.  This weekend, for me was about preparing to be down.  I will be having surgery to fix my broken shoulder on Tuesday.  I worked at the liquor store yesterday, and literally every man that came in there had some crazy story of how awful their shoulder surgery was.  Sooo not what I needed.  I always take man sickness/pain stories with a grain of salt though- enough said.  But the more they talked, the more determined I became to spend time preparing for it. I got home from work to find Madison and Andrew and the girls here asking if they could help us with some stuff.   I appreciate their thoughtfulness, and we took them up on it.   Andrew helped Jim with some lawn stuff he has been trying to get done.  Madison helped me with some cooking and preparing breakfast burritos.  We also made dinner, and after we got done eating, the girls and Andrew got in the pool.   The water was still greenish despite my best efforts. 
While I was at work, Jim took a bed out to Preston, and ran some errands for me.  He also picked up groceries.  I sincerely appreciate him taking care of those things, as it freed up the evening and today.  He worked really hard in the yard this weekend, and I appreciate that as well.  I felt bad not helping - I usually would jump in there, but it is a little bit impossible right now.  
The girls and I did get the house mostly cleaned up, laundry done, and Jim helped me with cleaning the turtles out.  I got work stuff done and prepared for a meeting I will be missing.  I feel ok now about being down for a couple of days.  I hope it won't be more than a couple of days, because I just don't like being down.  

Today, the girls came out early for dinner.  Andrew helped Jim burn a pile of stuff in the back yard. I got a kick out of Evelyn trying to put out the fire from the deck -with a water gun!  
 Mallory and Madison baked some cookies.  We had dinner.  I was sad that I finally got the pool back to blue and beautiful, and now it is rainy and cool.  I hope the effort wasn't for nothing!  I am still hopeful that I can finish the summer exercising in there.  Time will tell.  I hear water exercises are especially good for joints....maybe I can cut down the amount of time I need to spend in physical therapy.  

The boy loves fire.  Luckily, his son in law is a literal fire fighter!  They are both a little crazy with the gas and torches....they make me a little nervous!

This girl loves danger - and is constantly trying to pet Carlos.  Carlos is constantly growling at her.  He is a grouch.  Mallory was trying to was not helping Carlos be nicer!  ;)

Colin had a friend who was selling a small couch.  Cameron bought it, and Colin drove to KC to deliver it.  I am happy, as Cameron had no living room furniture.  He was living with a lawn chair and a tv.  He also got himself a tv stand.  Lauren invited us up for lunch today, and I really love seeing all my people, however, I really thought getting prepared was imperative today.  I did like the pictures they sent though!  Soon I will drive up and see the new decor in Cameron's apartment, and see Preston's apartment.  I can't wait to resume normalcy!

Yesterday, I decided I had way, way too many fish.  The Mollies keep having babies.  I gave away quite a few, and made a trade with a guy in town.  I told him I would just bring them into the liquor store, and he could come in whenever.  He not only gave me some guppies, but he also gave me some aquarium plants!  He brought them in a small pitcher, and I decided they were ok to just sit on the counter until I got off my shift.  I wondered how many people would notice, but three of my bosses were there when I arrived, with a bag of fish and none said a word.  And then I had the pitcher of fish on the counter, and until the very last person I waited on, nobody said anything about that either.  I figured if I got fired for pedaling fish out of the liquor store, at least it was a fun story!  I like my job there, but they really have more help than we need now, and so I don't work very often.  I gave away about 30 fish from a couple of different batches.  Today, I was taking a small break, and wanted to check on the fish I got yesterday, and realized that there are babies - again!  Lots of new little babies swimming happily in the tank - guess I will have some more babies to give to a few more people who wanted some.  I love the little babies, but geez they are a little too prolific.   

This is one weekend that I am actually ready to see end....not because I have had a change of heart about loving the weekend, but I am more than ready to get myself fixed, and begin healing up.  I am tired of thinking about it, tired of trying to plan out everything when the time frame is sort of impossible to predict.  Tired of being a little anxious over it, and definitely frustrated by my one arm status.  I am also a little frustrated by the medical system in general.  I miss the days when you could get stuff accomplished without everyone having to be a specialist.  Without multiple people being needed to read an x-ray, and without the insanity of dealing with the fallout of the insurance companies.  Seriously, if I never have to see another doctor, or talk to another insurance company, I would live the rest of my life happy!  Who knew that adulthood would consist of your free time being spent this way?  

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