Thursday, August 8, 2024

Day 3- for birds and bunnies

Harper has survived her first week of high school band camp.  She will be marching in her first parade on Saturday night.  She isn't super excited, but she did say it isn't "that bad."  I am proud of her for taking the challenge and keeping up with band camp and fair demands in one crazy week for her!  She can't attend the picnic and parade preview night, as she will be selling her goat tomorrow night.  I can't say I am sad to not have to go help the band boosters cook 1000 hot dogs!  Although, if I was helping, tomorrow would be a good night to do it, as it has been so nice and cool all week!  We have lucked out weather wise!

Today was the rabbit show and poultry show day. Quincy did senior showmanship with her friend Landrie.  The two of them have been doing this since they were tiny little people.  They have both been great at it, studied all the stuff and had a little fun competition going for about 11years.  One or the other is usually grand champion, and the other will be reserve.  Usually the score is so close, it is ridiculous.  Today, Quincy was the grand champion poultry showman, with Landrie being the reserve.  I was told it was tied, and that the judge made some judgement to decide the winner.  I was tickled that they ended their poultry showing careers this way!

She also won a cool chair, but I failed in the photo taking today with being the barn superintendent.  I like helping, and I like having a front seat to the girls' stuff, but it makes photography a little difficult.  Luckily, Mallory did take a few pictures today!

This girl, is so ready to be in 4-H.  She had her chicken and marched it right up to talk to the judge about it.  Unfortunately, today's judge was a little bit harsh and hard.  He didn't indulge her much.  At one point, when he was judging the barn, (the poultry itself, not showmanship which is judging the kid's knowledge of their project), Evelyn asked the judge what he thought of her chicken.  He responded with "I think next time you should buy one from a reputable breeder."  I also heard the same judge tell another 5 year old that her chicken "needed a hatchet."  Now, I am all about getting the ribbon you earn, and I am fine with telling children why their project might not meet the breed standards, or what you could do to improve, but I am not a fan of being so harsh with children.  For one thing, not a single 5 year old purchased the birds they are showing.  For another, you are at a county fair, not a sanctioned show.  Most of these kids are farm kids who just have some birds that they raise for eggs.  They love their birds, but it is a farm- we have coyotes, bobcats, foxes, skunks, possums, and raccoons who will all eat the birds if given a chance.  Now do I want a bird I paid $4 for, or a bird I paid $100 for getting utilized as a snack?  I love my chickens, and I would say my kids love and take care of these birds.  I know they are not perfect, and I realize we put them in a "show," but at a county fair, not a high level competition.  Judge for what you have, not for what you would like to see.  I had a couple of kids who were in tears when it was over, a couple who scratched from doing showmanship (which I have worked really hard to build up and get the kids to participate), and a few who were just overall not happy.  I did talk to the extension office about it.  I don't really get a say in who my judges are, but I do not think he will be asked to come back.   

I am happy that Evie seemed unphased by it.  She took her red ribbon chicken, carried it around, snuggled it, and danced with it.  She loves it, even though it is not perfect, and that is what life is all about right?  I can promise you, if he had ruined her spirit for it, I would have become way more verbal!

The rabbit judge was exactly the opposite of the poultry judge.  She spent so much time with the kids, talking to them, explaining things to them, teaching them her knowledge and sharing ideas, goals and ways to breed out flaws.  I felt like I learned a lot!  Harper and Saige both did rabbit showmanship.  They both used the babies that we bought a few months ago, and these babies are so sweet!  They did great!  They have studied all their rabbit knowledge.  This is the 3rd year for them in this project, and they knew all of the major points.  The judge did trip them up on a couple of questions, but I will admit that I didn't know the answers to all the things she asked!  Harper was the grand champion senior rabbit showman today!  I failed to get a picture of her with her chair and ribbon.  
Saige did a great job, and I did giggle at her, she named this rabbit "Industrial Revolution."  I don't think that was a name the judge was expecting!  
The rabbits all got blue ribbons.  The old does were told they must go on diets, as they are a little bit bigger than mini rexes should be.  The babies looked great, and the broken doe that Saige has there took reserve champion mini rex.  

We also got to see a relatively new breed, as another family purchased some.  They are called Thrianta.  I had never heard of them before.  They are an orange rabbit with an interesting history.  If you are into looking stuff up just for fun, try this one.  The read is pretty entertaining.  Or maybe I am just exhausted!  
We are now officially done showing things for this year.  The girls have done a pretty great job! And now, sleep, because tomorrow I have to take a defensive driving class and it would be embarrassing to fall asleep during that! 


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