Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Captain Destructo

Harper has really blossomed in the mobility department in the past couple of weeks. The big kids have started calling her "Captain Destructo" and she moves fast! I was home with sick Cam today, I fed her some breakfast, sat her down so I could go get her some clean clothes and when I came back, she had re-arranged my whole pantry for me! What a great work ethic she has!
Cam got up this morning with a terrible cold. He was very sad about not feeling well since he was supposed to play football this evening. No way could he play though.
Colin had his final football game for the 7th grade season against Jeff West. Jim and I took a very scenic drive around Meriden trying to find the football field. (Since Jim was driving I am pretty sure next time we have to go there I will still be unable to find the field). We managed to pull in right as they kicked off, so we didn't miss much. Colin played great - several times he hit pretty hard and a couple of times he laid on the ground for a few seconds - long enough for me to start to panic, and then he would get up. Jim didn't seem as distressed as I felt! Colin said he thought overall it was a good season, and he was a little sad that they don't have any more games, but wrestling starts on Tuesday, so he was super excited about that! I am ready for indoor sports - no more worries about rain! (Don't remind me about the upcoming winter weather).

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