Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday - a day to rest???

After mass today, we did a ton of running around.
No matter where we are going , Harper is always ready to go, and now that she can see out the front door, there is NO leaving her behind!!
During some of the running Jim stayed here and did an amazing job of trimming the trees between our yard and Bev's. Bev is getting new fence, so it was sort of helping her, but it really cleaned up the look of our yard! It was a ton of work, and I really like the new look....I only wish I had thought to take some photos of the before and after!
Preston and Quincy had a flag football game this afternoon. Quincy got a touchdown! She was pretty impressed with herself! Here she is snapping the ball. She seems to have a better attention span with football....or maybe since it wasn't as cold, it was me who had a better attention span!
Preston had several touchdowns and quite a few flag pulls. He thinks that playing football is awesome!

After football, we met my mom and my brother with his kids and had some photos taken at an old abandoned bridge. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they will be our Christmas card photos! Our friend Julie had an amazing amount of patience and great ideas and I know she takes awesome photos, so I am anxious to get them back! Taking photos with 10 kids is a challenge that nobody should probably take on! (Thanks, Julie!). Cam has decided to take photography in 4-H this year, so he took some photos as well, just getting a feel for the camera etc. His photos are interesting, but the only one which really focuses on a subject
is this one, where he was impressed with his cousin finding a ring neck snake. The snake did end up coming home with us because Uncle Brian said NO to it riding in his truck! It has now been sufficiently played with and let loose in our back yard! If he is a smart snake he is crawling fast and will take up residence someplace far, far away from our boys!

Even though the kids got in trouble for swinging Harper this way, I couldn't resist posting this photo of her laughing like a hyena. I think she likes danger!!
Madison enjoys taking photos too, but her only subject is herself. Every time I download photos, she has taken a handful of poses similar to this one. I guess she doesn't want us to run out of photos of her!?!
Now I am gearing up for another marathon week. We seem to continue to find new things to do. Today, I found myself getting put on donut duty at church for the next couple of weeks and helping to plan a Mexican dinner too. Colin started his jr. high RE classes today so that he can make his confirmation...its a 2 year class. Colin also starts jr. high wrestling on Tuesday. Cam has a football game this week....he doesn't have very many, and missed one due to illness, so here's hoping he makes it this time! Preston has a birthday this week too! My brother's new baby is due on Preston's birthday. I think it would be pretty neat if they shared the day! Preston thinks it would be very cool! I have a board meeting this week too. I never look forward to that - I am spoiled by getting off work at noon. Oh well, like grandpa used to say- busy keeps us out of trouble!

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