Friday, October 15, 2010

Last marching band performance

both girls are in the photo here - Mallory is the flute right above the photographer guy's head. Madison is the clarinet in the middle right to the left of the drummer.
Mallory is the flute right above the orange water jug. Madison is in the middle of the line to the right of Mallory. Wishing I knew how to put arrows into the photo....we had a program that did that at one point. Oh well, its a good imagination kind of a thing!

Tonight was the last marching performance for the band, since it was the last home football game. It was a good thing we went to watch the band, as the football team was not putting on much of a show! The girls are excited because now they start concert band and they play during home basketball games. During basketball they do not have to wear the band uniforms, just a band t-shirt so they are relieved to not have to wear the capes any longer! Not to mention that they don't enjoy the early morning practices on the wet, cold football field!

Since Harper was not feeling well today, the little ones and I just went out for the halftime show. I was telling the girls that I was just going to have their dad call me and I would come out to watch their performance. Madison asked me if I was going to take photos and I said OF COURSE! She did the teen-aged eye roll and told me I am addicted to blogging. I gave her the patented mom line "you will thank me someday when you have all this stuff you did documented!"

On a side note, I would like to say that I had to exercise great restraint in not choking a mom in the doctor's office today. She had 5 kids with her. They were all calling her 'mom' so I am assuming they were hers. She could not pull her head out of her phone to take care of any of them. They were running all around, jumping off chairs, fighting, calling each other disgusting names, and the little ones were shredding magazines and using it for confetti. I did not want to discipline the kids, it was their mom that I wanted to throttle. Why are some people oblivious to the world around them? I wanted to take away her phone and tell her to be a mom. I was just formulating my plan of action when they called Harper's name. I know it is not my place to judge others, but geez all I wanted her to do was put away her phone and take some notice of what the kids were doing. Thankfully I did not have Quincy with me - she does not need to learn any new vocabulary words!
We are off and running on another wild weekend. Lots of bloggin' material!

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