Thursday, October 28, 2010

Halloween in Kindergarten

I helped with Preston's Halloween party at school today. I think everyone had fun! I really do love Halloween, and I enjoyed seeing all the kids in their costumes and watching them get all hopped up on sugar until they could hardly stand to be contained in a classroom! Good times!

When I walked into Preston's classroom, I couldn't help but notice the gorilla - it was Mr. Terry who works at the school. The kids thought he was awesome!

Preston (aka Spiderman) had a nice day, got lots of treats and thought his first actual Halloween parade was fabulous! It was a little bit chilly, and I was thankful to grandma for watching Quincy and Harper so that they didn't have to be dragged all the way down town and back and hang out at the school for a very long afternoon!

It has been spirit week at Carbondale school this week for Red Ribbon week. Today was "senior citizen day." Last night I tried to recreate the Eisenhower haircut from last year, but I messed it up, so this morning I literally shaved Cam's head with a razor so it would be shiny bald and then we added wrinkles, chest hair, nose hair and liver spots to his head. He won! He was pretty happy about that!
And speaking of Cam, he got this award in the mail. It is from Tootsie Roll Industries. It was congratulating him for knowing how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. The interesting part is that he didn't submit anything to the Tootsie company, and nobody here will claim any credit for it. I thought it reeked of Jim, but when I asked Jim about it, he said he didn't send it in. A mystery!
And now I have to tell you a Quincy story. I told her that it was getting close to time for us to leave and asked her to pick up the toys at my office this morning. She was being a real turkey and whining about it. Exasperated, I told her I was just going to cook her and eat her for dinner. She started laughing and told me you can't eat me. SO stupidly, I told her "yes I could, you are young and tender and will make a great soup."
She followed this up with telling me that she would just eat me - so I told her that I was old and tough and would taste terrible because I am just too old.
She laughed about it and then cleaned up the toys. We got everything gathered up and left the office, and as we are walking to the car there is an older lady pushing her walker up the sidewalk. Quincy goes running right up to her and says
"MY mom says that OLD people taste bad!"

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