Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preschool Halloween

Quincy had her Halloween party at preschool today. While all the other little girls were busy buying up princess/cheerleader costumes, Princess Q decided she should be Frankenstein. Yep, she is totally my daughter! I loved it!
In addition to it being party day for Quincy, it was "crazy hair" at Carbondale school, so since Colin and Cam went off to school with blue hair, guess who else had to be in on the action?

It is a good thing Quincy likes to be rough and tomboy-ish because she is in a class filled with boys! She is one of 3 girls in her class. Her kindergarten class seems to be looking at the same type of ratio. She should not struggle to find a date to the prom!

Since the weather has been getting colder, I have been struggling to keep socks on Harper's feet. She loves to be barefoot (don't know where she could have picked up that behavior from). I managed to find her some shoes today and she liked them and kept them on her feet, and it seemed pretty hard for her to kick them off too. They were on clearance, so Harper's first tennis shoes not only are cute, they were cheap!
Quincy had her 6 month follow up check on her ear tubes this afternoon. They have stayed in place and are keeping everything nice and dry. Her hearing has improved tremendously, and she tested out in normal ranges today, as opposed to showing hearing loss 6 months ago. I am really glad that we had this done! Since her appointment didn't take very long, and we were right across the street from the hospital, we ran across and saw our new nephew. He is such a doll! And so tiny! I got to hold him for a minute, but Harper did not like me holding another baby! I will just have to wait until the weekend and leave Harper with Jim so I can go snuggle that baby!
Cam had a football game tonight. It was cold sitting out in the wind! And I didn't even get there until halftime since I was teaching RE tonight. Thanks to grandma for bringing the little ones home so they didn't have to sit out any longer! Cam's team lost, but they played pretty well, and they did make a couple of touchdowns, so that was good. I think their season is just about over. I thought tonight was the last game, but Cam says no. Jim had to come home to take care of a few things in the office, so it was awesome timing that he could make it to the game. Plus, we were really missing him, so it was nice to see him for a little bit. He will be heading right back to Wichita in the morning. At least a mid-week visit makes it seem shorter.

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