Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day

Is Columbus day an actual holiday, or just a reason for bankers and state offices to have a day off to start Christmas shopping? Anyhow, everyone here had the day off except for me. One would assume that since we were all home this afternoon, it would have been an afternoon of great productivity. That would be incorrect, and we all know what they say about assuming.
I did start the long process of sorting out Harper and Quincy's clothes so we can finish moving them into their new room. The unfortunate part is that the October weather makes it difficult to put away the summer type clothes and definitely winter stuff is needed too. This move is off season - that is why I am having so much trouble finishing! Of course - that is totally the reason!
It has nothing to do with a certain baby who followed me around today fussing and was only happy when she was being held by myself or Madison, or when she could destroy everything in her path. It absolutely had nothing to do with the fact that it was raining so Preston and Quincy were housebound and spent the day bouncing off walls, and crying if I gave them chores to do. It had nothing at all to do with the fact that Colin had a friend over last night and even though they were really well behaved I could hear them talking through the floor and couldn't sleep. Not one of those things is relevant!
The good news is that my husband loves me enough to take care of the wallymart list and let me stay home! Jim, you are my hero!

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