Saturday, August 31, 2024

The surprise

Evelyn was about 3 days old when her grandma Rachel first told me that she couldn't wait to take her to Disneyworld.  At the time I thought it was cute, but I was just focusing on getting to bring her home, and somehow convince them to move back to Kansas!  Over the last 5 years, I have talked to Rachel and she would mention to me that she couldn't wait to take Evelyn and now Wrenley to Disney.  She couldn't wait to dress them up, and watch their faces light up with the Disney magic.
Last Christmas, she finally couldn't stand it anymore, and she bought them all tickets.  BUT she wanted it to be a surprise.  Which is a great, cool idea, BUT if you know my daughter Madison at know she cannot keep a secret to save her soul.  You want to know how we 100% knew that she had no idea she was pregnant with Evie in the first place?  Because if she knew, she would have TOLD someone!!  Heck, she would have TOLD EVERYONE!  I smiled when Madison told me they were keeping it a secret.  I was excited for them to go, and I knew Evie would be insane with excitement, but I very seriously doubted that Madison could keep a secret for 9 months!  :)  
Madison proved me wrong, although she did almost slip a few times - and I saw Andrew give her "the look" more than once.  
Thursday night, Evie had a 'sleepover' with Grandma Rachel, and when they woke her up early, they told her they were flying to Disneyworld.  Like right now.  I can't wait to see the video, which Rachel has promised to send!  I imagine there was a 5 year old who was over the moon with excitement!

They were at Disneyworld around the same time I got to work yesterday morning.  It was an early day.  I understand it rained, and a certain 5 year old was not amused by that at all!

But the rain did not stop her from living her absolute best life!  Madison told me that she was absolutely giddy all day long, and Wrenley took the day like a champ as well.  

Of course, if you keep Wrenley fed, she is pretty much up for anything!

I also texted Andrew and asked him to please make sure Madison rode some of the rides and that he made sure she was in some of the pictures.  Moms tend to become the 'baby and purse holders' and the ones taking the photos, and then you get home from vacation and realize you aren't in any of the vacation photos.  I know Madison hates having her photos taken, but I swear to you, the only photos you will ever be sad about are the ones you didn't take.  Andrew is a better photographer than Madison anyway, and I appreciate him taking my request to heart! 

Grandma Rachel absolutely loves Disney, and she spared no expense.  This little girl is amazingly lucky to have so many people who love her!  I am so excited for her to have this experience.  I hope she truly felt like a princess, and will carry these good memories in her heart for her entire lifetime.

I also hope Grandma Rachel knows she is going to have to make a second trip when this one is a little older!  Hahaha- as much as Rachel loves Disney I don't think that will be a problem!

Last night, Jim and I ran to get groceries.  As I was looking at frozen vegetables, I got this picture from Rachel.  I busted a gut laughing.  I showed Jim who went right into sympathy mode - Oh Hope!  she looks exhausted!  And I am sure she was - early morning flight, followed by doing all the things - but I can't help it....I am framing Rachel's photo and hanging it in my living room.  I told Jim $150 to get her in the gate, $200 to dress her like a fancy princess....and she frowns in the picture!  hahaha!  SOOO FUNNY!  Rachel told me she thought it was hilarious and was planning to frame it as well, so I feel like it is ok to laugh.

I always think there is no tired like first week of school tired, and I was told by Madison there is no tired like Disney tired....and these poor kids did both!  Evie had her first full week as a kindergartener, Wrenley had her first full week as a bus riding kid, and then they slammed the end of the week full with a trip to Disney....those girls had to be exhausted.  I hope they slept well last night because I was told they are back at it today!  

I sincerely hope they have the best time!  
I can't wait to hear all about it!


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Some answers and random other stuff


We get to see this nugget almost every day when we are waiting for the bus kids to load.  I am enamored by her ornery, silliness.  I love her so much.  

Mall got these photos somehow.  I love that she looks like she is having fun.  Evie has always been very smart, soaking up the things we tell her like a sponge.  I know she will be great at school!  I am also excited because tomorrow, she is getting a huge surprise.  I cannot wait to see her face!

This wolf spider was in my garage tonight.  I left her  alone, as I like having them around.  For one thing, I understand that they eat brown recluse spiders.  If that isn't true, it is ok, because they definitely eat other pests.  This girl was eating a wasp!  She is also, I believe hugely pregnant.  I love seeing them carry around their little ones!  I do prefer if they are outside, and not in the house, but I will allow the garage to count as outside.  She was a big momma!  
Today, I saw a new doctor.  He was very informative.  He ran new x-rays.  He told me all my options.  Of course, some of the options aren't really options at all.....but he did give them to me.  I opted for the surgical option (which was never really not what I was going to do) and I have a surgery date scheduled  - again!  I have successfully stopped all my medications, except for a couple I am taking for occasional pain, and I am ready to roll.  Praying it works out, because at this point, if it doesn't, I will need to be heavily medicated to just get out of the sadness I would have!  The plan is still an outpatient surgery, where he will 'reorganize' the bone, use 2 screws to hold it where it should go, and tighten up the ligaments so that hopefully, in the future, it will stay in place and not go popping out of the socket, as it is doing now.  After the surgery, I will need to wear a sling, with very, very limited use for 4 weeks, followed by physical therapy.  He warned that although I can start using it in 4 weeks, it will likely take 4 to 6 months to get back full use.  He told me I won't be doing my weight lifting, or lifting anything over my head for quite some time.  I didn't have the heart to tell him that last time I did any weight lifting, I was a freshman in high school, where I was taking the final PE class of my life.  :)
(Side note here - I have 2 classes left if I wanted to get my degree in social work....which I don't, but if I wanted that piece of paper, the 2 classes I have left to take are  1.  PE and 2 Psych Stats.  I am equally terrified of both classes, and I feel like the paper isn't really that important considering that I currently make much more than if I changed careers and became a social worker! Sadly).  

Enough of the arm saga.  New stuff we are working on - the back yard 'retreat.'  we have a nice patio out back.  We have never really used it, or done anything with it.  When Colin lived at home, he drug home a hot tub.  It worked when he brought it home, and we did use it.  At some point, the electrical system in it fried, and Jim wanted it hauled away.  Nobody hauled it away, but then he and Andrew came up with a brilliant idea of using it as a bait fish tank.  That didn't go real well, but I have been stocking it with goldfish for a couple of years now.  Yesterday, Harper came home from school with a list of things she needed for her classes.  (Yes, I did take her back to school shopping with a list provided by the school - -- that is a whole other irritating story).  When we were in town, I stopped off to get a couple things at the pet store, and I told the fish guy I wanted a "net full of feeder goldfish."  To me a net full would be 5-6 fish?  Nope - it is 12.  I let them go in the tank with the big boys.  I tried to take a photo, but it was getting dark, the water looked dark, and I couldn't get any good photos.  Besides the little fish pond, we have also hung some plants, I am on the hunt for some chairs I have in mind, and I am wondering if there are any 'goat proof' flowering plants I can put down in the area of just muddy/dirt beside the patio..... and Jim has worked his buns off clearing trees and brush in the back yard, to make it a bit bigger and also so we can see the pond from there.  The pond - is not what we would like it to be either.  It is a nice little pond.  When we get a lot of rain, it fills up, and then it drains down again.  My brother is a dirt man- doing excavation and landscaping type work.  He suggested before we dig it all out and spend the money, perhaps we should try cutting the red cedar trees that surround it, as they consume all sorts of water out of the soil, and could also be the reason the water levels go right back down.  Jim was willing to give that a try, and has cut so, so many trees back there.  If it doesn't work, we will get Brian out here at some point when we save enough money!  In the meantime, I am loving the bigger opened up space!  

While I was down checking on my new fish, I also took some pictures of my worms.  I am loving this project.  They eat all our leftover veggies (we split them with the chickens and the bearded dragon).  They absolutely love egg shells, and coffee grounds (thanks Papa Larry).  They also make the blackest, nicest dirt ever!  I am planning to rob some of their "worm castings" to put around my strawberries before I bed them down for the winter.  

I think they are multiplying too, and have plans to start a second, split off farm.  I know it is a little odd to have a trashcan full of worms in the basement, but you know what?  Happiness is trying things.  Projects and critters make me happy.  Plus they are quiet, recycle, and contribute to Jim's fishing habits.  

We are also rabbit and guinea pig sitting for the weekend.  It has to do with the surprise for Evie, and I am happy to do it.  Andrew's grandma is doing the rest of their chores.  
One more day before we hit the holiday weekend!  I am ready for it!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Some stuff


I have been a little bummed about not being able to do things that I like to do, and having to modify life.  Tonight, Jim's coworker hosted another painting party.  I loved this one, and am totally sad that I can't paint left handed!  The good news is that she was willing to make me a kit, so I can paint it a little later on, when my arm is back to fine motor skill doing mode.  Honesty, the timing for this is just bad....but I don't suppose there is a good time to be hurt.  I am happy that as I have been forced to wait to get things back in order, I have not really been in much pain.  Mallory did go to the party, and I love how her porch leaner turned out!  She did good!  Hoping she paid attention, so that when I am working on my kit, she can give me some pointers or something!  I figure sometime this winter, I will hopefully have a day (and a functioning arm) to work on it.  
I am also starting to panic, as I figure surgery will be scheduled for next week, and it is budget hearing/board meeting time at work, things are not done, people who need to have their $hit together don't, my time is being spent on the phone begging people to do their jobs, deadlines are looming, and I am feeling a little bit like my head is going to pop off.   This is not unusual for this time of the year, but I usually don't fanaticize about physical violence. (just kidding- sorta). 

Luckily, we live close to these 2 girls.  I love seeing them, loving on them, and watching them grow.  Evie is now getting like 4 eggs a day from her 6 chickens.  I love how much she enjoys these birds.  I agree.  When things go to poo, I spend a little time throwing chickens some bugs, or grass clippings, or some vegetables and watch them go crazy.  They are relaxing to watch.  

I am so thankful for Jim.  Last night, I told him that we were getting low on feed, but there is no way I could lift the bags around.  He told me if I waited until he got off work, he would help me, and take me out for dinner.  An offer I couldn't refuse.  For the stress that I have going on at work, you can multiply it by 10 and you have Jim's job.  He is also trying to get budget stuff done, and meetings set up.  But he did take the evening, took me to dinner, and helped me get feed for the animals.  He also did not have his dinner set well, and while we were at Menard's he had to make a bathroom run.  He did not complain, when upon his return, I had loaded our cart with some (more) clearance sale rose bushes, a few pool chemicals, and a lot of Halloween decorations.  (I blame him...he knows I cannot be trusted unsupervised in Menards).  

Tonight, he helped me dig holes, plant rose bushes, and some mini holly hocks I got from my mom.  He also carried all the water jugs I had to drag down to water all these things.  When we got done with gardening, I also had him help me give Ollie a bath, on the deck with the hose.  He got completely soaked.  I know it probably wasn't what he wanted to do after work, but I appreciate it.  He has always supported all my insane ideas, and helped me do the things I ask of him.  I hit the jackpot in the husband department.  
Also, I am working on a new project, to grow not only a few beautiful perineal plants at the end of the driveway, but to also get my hands on some native beneficial plants.  I imagine Jim is tired of me reading and reciting facts about the plants that I am hunting for, planning to plant, and what I plan to use them for.  He smiles, and probably does the same thing in his brain that I do when he tells me baseball stats.  :)  Marriage is a weird thing.  Two people who decide to merge their lives, and then spend the rest of your life doing projects together.  (Some against your will - right Jim?).  

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Good (but fast) weekend.

Once in a while, the stars align and we have zero things to do on the weekend.  This was one such example.  I am glad we had the time "off" because everything I do is slow going, and I was tired from the last couple of weeks.  I needed the down time.  Laundry got done, except for the sheets, which I can do this week, the house got picked up and the bathrooms are clean.  I even managed to unclog the downstairs bathroom sink.  Jim got quite a bit of the yard mowed, and did some brush trimming and burning as well.  Harper and Saige wore all sorts of different hats.  They have been manure scoopers, fence fixers, brush haulers, garden waterers, drink bringers, laundry movers, cat litter changers, vacuum runners, and I don't even know what all else.  I appreciate their help!
This week, I will see a new doctor.  We will have to make some hard decisions, and I am dreading them.  I feel like I am finally able to do a little bit more with my arm- today I even hooked up my own bra (this is a major win....Jim has been great about helping me, but I tend to like to dress myself).  I have occasional times where I "forget" as when I got to church this morning and reached over to grab my purse.  Those moments are bad.  Really bad.  Wrong moves cause the shoulder to come out of the socket (I think).  The only way it feels better is to move it around until I can feel it pop back in.  I assume that is what is happening anyway.   I was warned that without surgery, that will be a continued problem.  I definitely don't want to live with the fear that it will pop out, and the pain when it does.  Really, I just want to be on the mend rather than in limbo.  Mostly, though I just want my "normal" back, no matter what it takes to get there.  The good news is that the doctor I am seeing this week is a shoulder specialist, who is incredibly difficult to get in to, and who also comes highly recommended by a ton of people I know.  I feel better knowing how many people he has fixed.  Fingers crossed he can fix me up and get me moving on the road to wellness.

Today seemed like a good day to have snacks for Sunday dinner.  Everyone loves snack night.  Corndogs, nachos, jalapeno poppers, gazpacho, watermelon, and Evelyn decided that after swimming, we must make cupcakes as well.  Ok, gazpacho is not snacks - it is a serious food.  One that I love, and is a staple of summer for me.  The summer I was pregnant with Saige, I am pretty sure that is all I ate!  I happened to be in town this morning, and a friend was set up selling tomatoes.  I have a ton of tomatoes, but they are all green!  I couldn't help myself.  I bought a flat.  The gazpacho was worth the stop!  I even added in zucchini to it, and it was amazing!  100% not sorry! I made a pretty large batch....I will eat it for lunch tomorrow and I am already excited about it!  I have a definite class of foods that fit snugly into "summer food" vrs "fall food" vrs "winter food.  Summer food - my absolute favorite.  Winter food - comfort food - needed because winter makes you feel sad!  :)  Yes, I am insane, but harmlessly, so just smile and go with it.  

This little punkin is so close to walking!  She is also everywhere!  SOO Fast!  I get such a kick out of her ornery personality!  

I was holding her, she wanted my I let her have one.  She took a giant bite.  Then grabbed for a second one.  She was smacking her lips and taking bites out of her tomatoes.  It was hilarious.  Madison's girls eat all sorts of foods that most kids don't like.  Things like fresh vegetables, and egg salad, and potato salad.  It is awesome.  

This one didn't want a tomato, but she did need to lick the beater when we mixed up her cupcakes.  She told me "when I grow up. I am going to be a taste tester!"  I did not know this was an option.  I must re-think my adulthood.  

The Norma saga - she is getting better.  She is still a pretty defiant, hard-headed dog, but she is getting better.  She knows come, sit, shake, drop it, and kennel.  She does them about 60% of the time....if she feels like it.  She does not jump or bite me, honestly, because I have been pretty mean about it with her - punishing her for it.  She does jump and bite other people.  Not biting per se- but mouthing them.  She has never hurt anyone, but she puts their hands in her mouth, grabs their shirt, or their pant leg, and nips.  She is playing, but nobody wants to be played with that way.  I know she will outgrow it, but I don't want her to act like a brat.  She is a sweet girl, but definitely, after having raised Border Collies, notice that she is not as quick to learn, and has zero remorse.  If I get on to one of the borders, they act sorry.....look at the ground, put their head down, all but apologize to you out loud.  She looks at you defiantly, and says "listen here bit$h. I do what I want!"  She is a challenge to my patience for sure!

I didn't get to see all the kids this weekend, but I heard from them all.  Colin and Spencer went to an air show.  I know that Spencer makes her living in the air industry, but I was super happy that she sent me a photo of the Clydesdales.  I love them!  Such beautiful animals!

Cameron took a second job working at Arrowhead with Lauren.  He is doing some sort of ushering during the games.  He worked his first night at that job this week.  He said he enjoyed talking to lots of people.  Saturday, he volunteered at Science City (a place I loathe- uuuggggg always sooo crowded).  He also had to attend a gala at work.  This lead to a large conversation on how to pronounce gala.  I say gay-la.  I was told it is supposed to be gal-ah.  Thanks for the conversation piece, Cameron and Lauren!  However you say it, they clean up pretty good! 

I think I mentioned that I wanted to get some more macramé pot holders for the downstairs patio.  I didn't want to spend much money on this project, and I was able to do it for about $8.  I bought some twine, and some hooks.  Mom made my holders.  I wanted ferns to put in the pots, but I decided that I could just pot up some of the babies on my airplane plant at my office.  I had the pots from robbing the neighbor's trash a few years man's trash really can be another man's treasure!  Jim helped me hang them this weekend.  I love how they look.  Jim didn't go as far as to say he loved them, but he did ask me if I wanted to do a couple more!  I am taking that as a win!  Of course, it was very hot this weekend, and I thought geez all I did was give myself one more thing that I have to water!  I still like how it turned out though!

Preston said he was having a good, low key weekend.  He said his friends were supposed to come down, but that they all got sick, so they were not coming.  Quincy got herself a new job - at McDonalds.  She is looking into a couple of other things as well, but if you work at McDonalds for 90 days, at least 15 hours a week, they will give you money for tuition assistance....that is a win!
Mallory and Madison were here for Sunday dinner.  They are always full of stories and entertainment.  Madison seems to be getting the hang of the bus, and Mallory said she thinks she got a good class this year.  Evelyn said she liked school, but would rather not go back.  I feel ya kid - truly!  I didn't tell her she will spend the rest of her life feeling that way - first school, then work - forever!  Speaking of that...guess I better get ready for bed - bus para calls early!