Harper's team played West Franklin tonight. The winner would move on to play for the championship, the loser would move to the game to determine 3/4 place. This is the team from last week where there was the dugout brawl, and I worried that emotions might still be running a little bit high. The WF team is, in all honesty, very good. Their coach has been coaching these girls for quite a few years. She also happens to be one of the most obnoxious people you will ever come across. (My opinion only). The parents, on both sides were well behaved tonight. Our girls played hard. They probably put in more effort than they have all season. Two of our best hitters (a set of twins) are away this week at church camp, so that hurt a little. It was a good game! Harper had a really good hit and happened to be the first hit of the night after a couple of innings of being 3 up and 3 downed. I was happiest that after the last couple of days of miserable heat, it was in the mid 80's and very pleasant out!
Harper's team did not win today. They will move on tomorrow night and play for 3rd or 4th place. Harper has been on this team for about 5 or so years now. They are fun to watch, have little to no drama amongst the players, have 4 pretty great coaches, and have really grown and gotten so much better together over the years. I am proud of them all! I am also highly excited about having our evenings back!
I have a couple of other "summer stories." Harper and Saige have been watching a series together. Yesterday I overheard this conversation that completely cracked me up:
Saige: Hey Harper, lets watch some episodes of Supernatural!
Harper: oh hey girl.....I have a confession.....I accidentally watched 3 seasons without you.
Saige: ok so we can go back 3 episodes and I will catch up.
Harper: no girl....3 SEASONS. I am so sorry!
I started laughing - how do you watch like 60 episodes of something without telling the person you were watching it with? She was like well, it has been going on for a while now, and I felt bad about it so I decided to tell her! Crazy girl!
The pool - we bought the whole thing new in 2020. It was a replacement for a pool that was here when we bought the property and then it subsequently broke. When the pandemic happened, I talked Jim into having a new pool installed, and I learned a lot about all the things we did wrong with the first pool (except there was nothing really that we did that could have prevented a 20 year old liner from splitting out). Anyway, last Saturday, I went out, as I do every morning and plugged the filter in. Nothing happened. I checked the breaker, and the wiring that Colin fixed, and everything seemed in order. I plugged in a hand mixer, and it came right on. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos. I followed their instructions to trouble shoot, to clean the impeller, to restart the motor, and then I resorted to getting Jim to help. Except the pump motor was dead, and nothing we did could fix it. It had a 3 year warranty. It is 4 years old (of course it is). We ordered a new pump, but had to wait for it to be delivered, as nobody had one locally we could run pick up. I was worried I would have to start over on the water cleaning, but decided to run 2 chlorine dispensers, and hand skim it and try the best I could until the pump arrived. It was delivered today. Jim worked his magic and got it running tonight after the game. I am happy to be filtering again, and I am thrilled that the water is still great!
And finally....a story about the dogs. At night, we have to put Ollie in our bedroom. If we don't, he tends to do bad stuff like get into the trash can, or lift his leg and mark stuff. If we put him in there with us, he tends to go lay on the tile in the bathroom, sleeps all night, and then goes out with me in the morning, no bad stuff done, everyone happy. Around 4 am, he started hitting me with his nose. Boop boop- on my hand. Boop boop on my arm. I will admit that I don't always sleep soundly, and I was annoyed that he was waking me up. He rarely does anything like that. I told him to go lay down! I rolled over. Boop boop on my rear end. I took my foot and pushed him away from the bed and sternly told him to go lay down! It was raining really hard, the wind was blowing, and the lightening was very vivid and striking a lot. I was annoyed that he woke me up for a little rain. He did go lay when I grouched at him. I get up this morning to find that Blitz has completely eaten through the banister again, as in clear through, missing rail. I thought ohh she must have been really scared. I had a text from Grace saying that it was raining so she wasn't going to be walking today. I then realized I had a bunch of texts from the power company saying they were sorry it was taking so long to get the power restored, and that they would do the best they could but there were multiple outages. They sent me an outage map, with tons and tons of listings all around the area. I then got on facebook, to see what people were saying and the first thing I saw was the county road guy begging people to give him a chance to get the roads clear before they left home, unless they were going to work. He also stated to watch for downed lines. I knew then that we must have had a pretty powerful storm go through, and felt bad for not "listening" to Ollie. He was trying to save my life! I am hearing that multiple places had 80 mile per hour wind. With living in all these trees, we rarely get much in the way of wind, but I went out and walked around the yard looking to see if there were damages. I saw none, which I am thankful for. I am being told that Carbondale has a lot of people with trees torn up all over. I am glad it wasn't a worse storm! Colin texted to say he was being sent this way on storm call, and that they told him to bring a couple days worth of clothes and supplies. I haven't heard from him since this morning, I am thankful that he is out here working to restore people's power! I am also thankful that we were never out this time!