Tuesday, June 4, 2024

All the things

Even though yesterday was pretty sad, we still had to do all the things.  You know - orthodontist appointments, picking up feed, going to a 4-H meeting, ball park, repeat.  
Harper's orthodontist appointment held a little bit of happiness, as he is starting to talk about dates to remove her braces!  She is excited about that!  (And so am I).  
Harper was invited to spend the night with her friend.  I told her I would drop her off on the way to the 4-H meeting.  I did not realize that they had moved to Topeka!  So I made 2 trips to Topeka yesterday!  
I was excited that when I stopped off for feed, the store we went to had all their plants on a big clearance sale.  Harper gave me a lot of grief - telling me if I actually loved the plants, I would leave them for someone else who might keep them alive!  She is brutally honest!  I did not take her advice!  I was excited to get my hands on some more tomatoes and peppers for CHEAP!  I also bought some more strawberry plants, as the roots I got before did not do well.  I have no idea if you can actually grow strawberries from the root starts that they sell, but I have had zero luck!  I bought live plants.  This morning, they looked like they were very happy!  I am keeping my fingers crossed! I was so happy with how it looked, when I found out Mallory was going up today, I begged her to grab me a few more!  :)  Sorry Harper!   
We made it to 4-H with literally 1 minute to spare.  I am telling you, that although I love summer, it is kicking me in the pants already!  The meeting was next door to the ballpark, where Evie was playing, so when it wrapped up, we went over and caught the end of her game.  While sitting there, I realized we never even had dinner!  Ball park hotdogs for the win!  Amy was swinging Wrenley, who was tired of softball!  She is the orneriest little thing I have ever seen!  She is going to take the world by storm!  

I am very proud of Evie.  She does pretty good for no more practices than they had due to weather, and she is trying really hard!  

Since my primary bottle holder was away, I had to run down to feed these 2 clowns.  Betty is being weaned currently, and only getting half bottles.  She is not amused at all!  Chizzy is the sweetest thing!  They are both doing well in their bigger pen with the 4-H goats.  They make me smile with their screaming and crying wanting bottles!

The sadness over Jerry sort of overshadowed the day, but life is still pretty good.  We don't really have a choice but to keep moving forward.


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