Thursday, June 27, 2024

Grand finale

 You ever jump in with both feet for all the weird reasons and do something irresponsible?   That’s probably what Jim thinks today   These kittens were dumped off around the corner from my parents house.  I was worried that they would get killed on the highway and I felt bad for them, and so I agreed to go get them   Saige went with me   We would never have found them if the crew working on the house hadn’t shown us that they had crawled into the bottom of the chimney!   I never know how long outdoor cats will stick around   I keep trying to keep a few barn cats around   Last year, I brought home 7 incredibly feral cats   They are sort of still here.   I see glimpses   They run back and forth to the neighbor’s house   There is one who lives in the rock pile in the back yard    I tried to lure her to the barn but she won’t stay down there.   Every night, I take her some leftovers and cat food - she stays 10 feet away at least, and I can’t get anywhere close to her   Which is how I like outdoor cats because they last longer that way   Anyway, these two were spitting and hissing and not friendly   They have been given some food and water in the barn and we will see if we can get them to stick around.   Interestingly, the rock pile cat apparently also has a kitten.   As I started the mower this afternoon, I caught sight if it running into the garage   We are currently trying to lure her out with tuna   Since the kitten is identical to the rock pile cat, and appeared from the rock pile direction, I assume it is her baby   
Anyway Jim has said nothing about the new barn cats   I assume he just knows that I am insane and there’s not much help for him.  I am sure he knows that we need pest control, and doesn't mind that it isn't a job I saddle him with (I HATE and have an unnatural fear of mice/rats).  
Are you sick of softball photos yet?  Ready for me to stop posting terrible sports shots?  Absolutely horrified by my horrible photography skills?  Well, then you are in luck, because this was the last game of the season!  A little break for you!  And for me too, because this week has been long, and brutal, and I am tired of 4:30 dinners, and the city of Pomona, and of the umpire who look s like grizzly Adams, and of the same 5 songs that they play between innings and during warm ups.   There I said it.  Am I a bad parent?  Maybe, but at least I am an honest one.

Tonight Harper's team played for 3rd or 4th place against Lyndon.  Harper played an incredible game.  She had a couple of good at bats, scored some runs, and played the night away at 2nd base.  At one point, she made a double play by herself.  I was incredibly proud of her!  She had an error at the end of the game, and was pretty hard on herself, but honestly, she had an amazing night and errors just happen.  Every single person has something occasionally.  They ended up losing, but  it was such a tight game, and a long game.  I am proud of this whole team.  And always proud of my Harper girl!  

Fun team, fun summer, good coaching, no drama, hard working kids, all around good season!

And when it was over, I came straight home to watch the presidential debate.  Honesty, I should have stayed to watch the championship game, because it would have been much more productive.  How in the world are we in this place again?  I hate it here (politically).   Enough of that, this is a family friendly blog, and I don't really care to make it a political debate spot.  Just sum it up in saying I know who I will vote for, because I strongly believe in the policies of one side, and I am just not going to watch any more of that sh*tshow.  Lesson learned.

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