Monday, June 24, 2024

Colin tries out 26


Today is Colin’s 26th birthday.  It has been a shockingly fast ride to this place in life.   I am so proud of this kid - who is not really a kid anymore. He is building a great life for himself. He has a great woman by his side, and a job that he loves. He really and truly seems happy, and that makes any parent proud and happy.  
I was a bad parent and forgot to send a gift in the mail last week.  Luckily, Mallory decided to make a quick trip down for his birthday dinner, and she was willing to deliver for me.  Jim picked out a Bass Pro gift card.  Colin thanked me, and told me he plans to use it to buy his noodling license tomorrow.  Which brings me to my next point. This boy has never had an ounce of fear.  I think that all of the fear he should have comes out in me instead.  He never learned to ride a bike- not the way we think of with dad holding the bike up while you learn to balance. Nope. He just begged Jim to take off his training wheels, got on, and took off pedaling down the road.  He also had no idea how to stop, so he just crashed the bike -  and came up giggling. He was 4.  I had a mini stroke.  Jim smiled and clapped.   And that’s how it has been his whole life.  Want to jump from a plane?  He will go with you!   Want to go noodling?  He knows a spot, Want to do a dangerous job but have someone make it seem like it is amazing and fun?   He will let you job shadow him.   Once I asked him why he always liked doing dangerous things and he responded  "I am living my life to the fullest mom!”     Indeed you are.  And even though it occasionally gives me anxiety, I love watching you succeed, have fun. and do all the things you dream of.  Happy Birthday - we love you!  (Thanks for the bday photos Spencer!).
Also today, we started tournament time.  Harper and Saige are both playing in the same tournament.  Harper had her first game tonight.  Her team played against Burlingame.  At one point, Harper’s team was down by 8.  She walked over to the fence and said “At least we can stay home later this week!"   She was wrong.  They came back and won by 1.  So now we get to go back all week long!   No complaints from anyone there!  It was hot tonight though. On the way down the bank clock said 101.   As the sun started to go down, I thought wow too bad we didn’t have a later game, it’s nice out now!   As I drove home, the bank clock said 98.  Maybe I fried my brain out there?   My Nissan’s ac blew out.  Thankfully, Quincy purchased a different car today, and hasn’t sold her Subaru yet.  She was kind enough to let me drive it - and I was happy to have ac after the game!   Hopefully I’ll get my car back soon!   

Evelyn also played in her tournament game tonight.  Her team lost.  I guess she was like yeaaaa now we can stay home momma!  Maybe she was hot?   

I guess if you need me this week, I’ll be sitting in Pomona. 

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