Tuesday, June 25, 2024

One and done


Today was a busy one.  Saige’s ball team played in the tournament in Pomona.  They played against Osage City.   Saige’s team has struggled a lot this year with fielding, with hitting and I think being on the younger end of the 15u age division.  Tonight didn’t go well for them.  They played hard. It was hot.  They struggled with completing plays.  It was just not their night.  Or for that matter, not their season.  I do think Saige had some fun.  I do think she is planning to play next year, and is already thinking about ways to improve.  I’m proud of her for keeping her chin up when things didn’t always go well.  I appreciate the people who gave their time to coach her team, and I hope these girls will continue to play because I do believe they will improve with time, and more practice.  
That being said, one team down, one to go!  

Norma has fully adapted to life with electricity and air conditioning.  I have to laugh when it is time for potty breaks she doesn’t really like going out.  When it is time to come in, she is usually more than ready!   She and Carlos are getting along much nicer now.  She and Ollie are besties. Blitz….well she tolerates her and I notice nips her to keep her in line. Which is exactly what I had in mind when I said I wanted Blitz to train the puppy.  

The girls stayed with Aunt Mal today.  Aunt Mak has figured out if she brings them for a swim, they take great naps!   I love how, even though she can’t talk get, Wrenley gets what she wants.  And what she wants is auntie Harper.  

Mallory took some birthday/4th of July photos for Madison. Ok I am so in love with the wagon picture.  I cannot wait to get it into a frame.  But the one above, the one where she is making her F you face- that one I will love forever!   I have said from day 1 she is a kid with a million faces!  She knows how to use them too!  

The skies a were amazing this morning!  

Jim helped me wrestle Ollie into the bathtub.  He looks so clean and fluffy!   Unfortunately it didn’t really help the smell much!   He loves to roll in gross junk!  

And that’s all I have for today folks!   Exhaustion and the need to sleep are winning currently.

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